Sunday, July 20, 2008

I keep forgetting I have this blog. lol Its quite sad. My short term memory is really horrible. I have quite a few people to email back, quite a few things to do but I never remember. I write a lot down but always forget certain things. Its actually quite scary.

Anyways, my health is getting worse. I am tired ALL the time and the stiffness is insane. It takes me about an hour in the mornings to feel any semblance of normal. I looked up the symptoms of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and I seem to have them all minus 2-3. I am making an appt to go to a doctor this coming week because I am SO tired of this. I literally called a friend on Thursday and just burst out crying. I am currently not working because of my health and its just frustrating to be 28 and feel 82. The depression comes and goes but along with it is the mood swings. I want to be active and healthy but the exhaustion makes it super hard to exercise. The migraines nearly kill me and I get them almost everyday. The TMJ is awful and I have light sensitivity (so dont want to be outdoors) and noise sensitivity. I dont know how Ronny deals with me. I annoy myself. lol I am so glad he does. His tolerance, patience and love is a huge help. Knowing what is wrong with me (trust me, there is SOMETHING wrong) will be great too. At least I will know. I want to get tested for CFS, Fibromyalgia and my thyroid. We shall see.
In other news, I started emailing local (NYC) wedding photographers about becoming their assistant so that I can get on the job training. I am hoping it wont require full time work but more on a project basis. I emailed a few photographers that work in architecture and travel photography (my love) and one of them emailed me back! He wants to meet me this Wednesday. I cannot even tell you how excited I am. And nervous. He seems very nice and down to earth but its still scary. lol I will let you know how it goes. Lets hope he can take me on so I can learn the technical side of photography. He said I have a very good eye! *eeeee*

Btw, if I havent updated this blog its mainly because I forget and I update my craft blog FAR more often but that isnt personal but more about my photography and other Etsy people. I do a lot of blog giveaways there so check it out and maybe you can win. :)

Will try and post soon!

The Inspired
Mel, 28 years old, married for 3 years to my Swedish prince, photographer, traveler, New Yorker. Most importantly a Jehovah Witness.

|Aria Images (my craft blog)| |Our Sweet Dollies| |Jaclyn's Site| |Michelle's Mind| |Lost & Found| |The Empress in Exile| |Bookyeti's Vignettes| |DeClass-A-Fied| |Hopelessly Flawed| |Brown Eyed Girl| |Dog Whisperer| |Ali's Journal| |Just Another Girl| |SpongeBobPal|



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