Hey everyone, I desperately need to get this blog updated with a new look but first thought I would go ahead and let you know of a few new things. :)
1. I got a new job as a Legal Secretary for Kirkland & Ellis LLP and love it so far. Its a fantastic opportunity and one that I KNOW Jehovah helped me with cause the other was majorly messing me up. Its a long story as to why I left my other job but may get into it later on.
2. Ronny's immigration is progressing finally. He got his fingerprints done last week and hopefully will get his work permit soon. I hope so cause we are still with my parents and I want to get out! :)
3. We started a handmade soap shop at
http://www.bathtimebeckons.etsy.com/ which we are really proud of. Started it to give Ronny something to do and make a bit of money. Please check it out! :)
4. I have a new craft blog that I update FAR more often. Its
http://www.ariaimages.blogspot.com/anyways, I have to run but will try and revamp this blog and start writing again. I am in training at work so dont have loads of time but will try my best. I want to thank EVERYONE who commented on my last post. I really appreciate it. Also, to those that emailed....thank you! Sorry I havent gotten back to anyone yet but promise to do so soon. Love you all SO much!
Oh yes, one more thing please take notice my new email address (and only one as I wont be using any other than this) is melodyofdavid@gmail.com so please change that in your address books! :)Bye for now!