Sunday, December 17, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager (episode 1)

Ok just to start off with I saw a trailer for Shrek 3 coming out in the summer. It looks hysterical! Each one has gotten better and better. I couldnt figure out how to share the trailer on here but check it out. Its going to be good. :)

Well, we are still in the process of getting things ready for the move (1 week to go!!!) and I still have loads to do. I am trying to sell or give away the majority of our things but its a bit hard going. There are things I know are worth a certain amount of money but people want something for nothing. I paid £300 for our mattress a year ago and listed it as £165 and someone said that was too much!!! I was like its a really good mattress and I am not giving it away. *sigh* And the attitudes they have! I am giving away a lot of stuff on Freecycle but people coming when they feel like it, not when we arranged. I think that is ridiculous considering I am giving it to them for free!!! Ah well. Its to be expected isnt it? Other than the move not much else going on. I feel a bit stressed trying to do everything but it will happen and next week I am going home! I am just starting to feel more excited. I dont think it has really hit me but its starting to slowly. But I will miss London. More than I realized. I walk around and look at the buildings and know I wont be here again for a long time. I will indeed miss it. Its a really great city if not a bit crazy at times. :) Btw, I take care of a team of sales people for the West of England and met them for lunch the other day to say goodbye and they bought me a beautiful white gold bracelet. I was so pleased and its lovely. :) It was sad saying goodbye to them but I am sure we will be in touch.
In other good news I have a telephone interview with Deloitte on Wednesday. They sent me this online evaluation tests to take and I passed so they want me to do an interview over the phone and then I guess if that goes well I will go to their office in the World Financial Center. Its for an Admin Assistant job but if i can stay in Marketing I rather do that. We'll see.
Guess that is it for now. I want to apologize for the lack of posts. I appreciate you guys understanding and still coming by to say hello. I want to also apologize to those of you I need to email (Denise!!) and ask that you have a bit more patience with me and I promise to get back to you. :) Love you all!
PS Check this out. Ronny found this on You Tube and we love it! There are 5 epidsodes and they are all hysterical. Enjoy!

Friday, December 01, 2006

So its all official now. I bought our tickets on Tuesday night. We are leaving for the states on December 24th. We have to fly into Ottawa, Canda first for an hour layover as it was a very cheap deal and I wasn't paying £500 extra for a direct flight. I will just take some sleeping pills and conk out. I am not a massive fan of flying. I start to get claustrophobic after about 3 hours so 8 straight hours will do me in. I am starting to get more excited though. At first I was feeling a bit sad but now that we have bought the tickets, its a bit more real to me. I cant wait to see my family. :)
I have some more bad news. A friend of mine that I grew up with passed away last week. Its insane. This is the second close friend I have lost in 4 months. I feel so terribly bad for his parents. He was only 20 years old and an only child. His funeral is on Saturday. I wish I could be there. I feel so helpless out here. I sent his parents an orchid plant. I hope they liked it. I just wanted them to know that although Ariel and I have both grown up (we were friends as kids and teenagers) I still loved him and will miss him.
Anyways, sorry to keep this short but this week has been completely exhausting. Oh btw, my friends visit went well. Fun but tiring. :) Talk to you guys later!

The Inspired
Mel, 28 years old, married for 3 years to my Swedish prince, photographer, traveler, New Yorker. Most importantly a Jehovah Witness.

|Aria Images (my craft blog)| |Our Sweet Dollies| |Jaclyn's Site| |Michelle's Mind| |Lost & Found| |The Empress in Exile| |Bookyeti's Vignettes| |DeClass-A-Fied| |Hopelessly Flawed| |Brown Eyed Girl| |Dog Whisperer| |Ali's Journal| |Just Another Girl| |SpongeBobPal|



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