Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I am back with the Venice pictures. So
here they are. I hope you enjoy them. :) I hope you dont have a hard time accessing them. I am sorry about the problem with the Hampton Court pics. I will post them again soon. I am working on building a site where I can post all of my pics without anyone having to access an album and all that malarkey. I will let you know when that is up.
So I have been sick all weekend. Lovely. I was home all last weekend due to the TOTM and now this! I was off from work the last two days with a bad head and chest cold but went to the doctors yesterday and she said I was fine, no infection. I am feeling better. I need to get out of the house! I have been in a different pair of pj's everyday. Yuck. So am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Kind of.
Got some GREAT news.....
okay so its a bit late..........but still GREAT news. I got my residence permit in the post last week!!!! Woohoo!!! So after almost two years I am now an official resident. It took 6 months for the papers to get processed. How crazy is that? But doesn't matter because now Ronny and I can work on his immigration to return to the states. Yay! Just waiting on my mom to send me my birth certificate and the process begins.
My friends are coming from the states in less than a month. So excited! Its going to be so much fun. I havent seen them in over a year. And to have them on my side of the pond will be great. :) We are going to see Mary Poppins on Broadway which I have been dying to see. I hear its very good. Will tell you guys all about it.
How is everyone doing? Thanks for all the comments. Its so nice to have you guys around although I am so far away. You are all the best!
PS: That site on the right called Threadless makes really awesome graphic T's. If you are a graphic artist you can submit your art and if people really like it and vote for it they will print it on. I ordered two shirts already. One called Fuzzy Wuzzy and the other is called Hey Russell. They are silly and fun. Just my kind of shirts. Some of them are gross and stupid so you have to be selective but the other stuff is cute. I am hooked!
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hi guys. Before you throw rotten fruit at me for my lack of posts and pictures from my trip, let me apologize. I am sorry its taken this long to get here and post. The pictures have taken FOREVER to upload and caption (I dont think I will be taking that many pictures again!!) and I am still not done with my Venice album yet. But to hold you over here is my
Rome Album One and
Rome Album Two. There are at least 150 pictures in each so make sure you have the time to go through them. I tried to write a bit about what the pictures are showing so that you arent just looking at a rubble and are like what is that. Promise to get my Venice pictures done soon. Hopefully before the weekend is up. Just been very busy with work and things but will endeavor to get there. Oh yeah we went to
Hampton Court Palace here in London a few weeks ago (which is where Henry VIII once lived....one of his many residences) so if you want to check out those pictures please feel free.
On to other things...we are doing well. Like I said just very busy but I guess that is a good thing. I am still on my road of weight loss but been slipping and sliding all over the place since I have been back from Italy but I will get there. I want to lose the rest of my weight by Christmas. I think I can do it. I know I can.
That is about it for now. I am knackered (English for tired) as we just got back from Camden Market which was fun but insanely crowded and a crazy experience. I did buy a t-shirt with Animal from the Muppets on it and another one with Fraggle Rock on it. =) And I bought these lovely wooden chopsticks from Thailand. Yeah I am weird like that. Anyways, love you all and I hope you enjoy the pictures!