Monday, September 25, 2006

I couldnt resist.
Celebrity Look-alikeOddly enough Ronny has compared me to Condelezza Rice. *rolls eyes* I have always gotten Candace Cameron as well.
Anyways, I am still working on the pictures. It will be easier for me to explain the trip through the pictures. I have yet to caption them. That sound take an eternity. Will put the link up as soon as that is done.
Today was my first day back at work. It wasnt too bad. Mentally I prepared myself for a crazy day and it ended up being quite easy. I slept really bad last night though so a bit tired. Its been quite warm but I have had the windows closed. For some odd reason we have had
loads of bugs recently. Especially these male mosquitoes. If you know what I am talking about you know they are disgustingly massive. I have no idea why there are so many but as soon as we open a window they mass in. So the window has been closed to say the least. Rather suffer the heat than have one of those things land on my face while I am sleeping. As you can see I have given this thought! When I got home from Italy I killed a spider that ran across my living room floor. This this was
huge! I thought it was a mouse at first it was so big and then saw it was a spider. I jumped up screaming and reached for a shoe. The thing was running away from me towards my luggage (and I am thinking I have to kill it before it gets in my bag and has babies and I will have to throw out my entire bag with my clothes and gifts!) and its almost like it saw me coming for it cause it turned around and came straight for me. Astonishingly enough I gotten really angry at that. I couldnt believe it was coming for me. I nearly broke my shoe I hit it so hard. I took a picture of it and put a quarter next to it for comparision. I can post it so you guys can see but would hate to turly gross you all out. Let me know if you wanna see it. Its unreal. Ronny couldn't believe the size and especially when it came for me! He found it so funny.
Well that is it for now. I will be posting on my weight loss blog as well. Be back with the pics link as soon as I can!
* Btw, I didnt design the graphic (unforunately!!!) Found this under as I do all my layouts. I dont have the software to create my own. I can change it around but not design it. =)
Friday, September 22, 2006

Hi guys,
I am not staying on long but wanted to let you all know we arrived safely back from Italy last night. We had an amazing time. =) I took over 500 pictures!!! I need to edit and upload them which probably wont be done until this weekend or next week. But will get it done and have a proper post with stories on our trip. In the meantime, I have changed my layout to a more Venetian theme. *grin* I love the masks out there!!!
Anyways, we are good. Hope you are all well. It was so nice to see your comments when I got back home. Love you all, you dear and gorgeous friends. Be back soon!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hi guys. I cant stay long.....been a bit rubbish at writing lately, huh? I am off to bed as I have to wake up at 2:30am and its currently 8:30pm. Our flight leaves at 6:00am. So excited!!!! I cant wait. I am in denial we will actually be in Rome tomorrow. Its always been a dream and one I have to admit I would never fulfill. Its going to be so lovely.....and especially spending all that one on one time with my lovely hubby. Our anniversary is next week. I cant believe its been 2 years already! Time really does fly. Anyways, bought a bottle of champagne for the day and someone recommended a lovely restaurant in Venice for dinner. I am bringing my black dress (yes the same one!) AND bought fish net stockings to go with it. *grin* I cant wait. Should be great. Anyways, I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. I will be returning next Thursday and am sure I will have an unbelievable amount of pictures to share. Speaking of which. I added new pictures to my weight loss blog if you care to see. Under the Stats bit as usual. They are two weeks old and before my haircut so go see those but posting pics of my haircut on here. I wish I could blow my hair out straight like this all the time but no luck. I wear it curly.
So, be good guys and will see you all when I get back. (Sorry I have been neglecting your blogs lately. Will catch up when I am back. ) Love you all!!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I just woke up from the strangest dream. Well actually its not so strange considering everytime I am going away somewhere, especially by plane, I have a dream that I missed the plane or something horrible happens. So I woke up from dreaming that we had decided to take the bus to Italy (yeah right!!) instead of the plane and the guy on the bus tells us we are on the wrong one, we need the one at Elephant and Castle (yes a real area in London) which is truly far from my house so I think oh well we will just catch the plane instead thinking its 4:30am we can still make our flight for 6:00am when the women next to me says its 11:30am!! LOL I woke up then in a sweat
so very glad it was a dream. I cant believe in 2 days we leave for Italy. I am so so so so SO excited!!! I have spent some time looking up reviews on on where to eat and things. Its a great site. You know when you go somewhere new and you want someone to give you advice on what to do and places to eat? Well that is what people do. Its really brilliant. And its for all over the world. Check it out.
Not much is new at the moment. Just getting things ready for our trip. I found this survey which I filled out. See if you can do it as well. Was fun. You just hit all play on your MP3 player and shuffle.
I will post again before I leave. Dont really have much to say at the moment. Be back later!
Describe last night: Sunset Borderline - Sandi Thom (take that as you will!)
What did you do an hour ago: Shut Your Eyes- Snow Patrol (odd cause I just woke up)
Your best friend is going through this right now: I Still Havent Found What I Am Looking For- Journey South (interesting!)
Your dad is: Two Sides of the Same- Potsch Potschka (true!)
Your mom is: Thats All- Michael Buble (she is what she is and we love her- she also loves this song)
Your sibling is: All In Love is Fair- Stevie Wonder (he loves this song!)
What luck will you have today: Tainted Love- PCD (oh great!)
And what about next week: Found My Way Out- Default (true cause Ill be in Italy!)
How about in the future: How Sweet It Is- Michael Buble (yay!)
Will you ever be famous: A Pain That Im Used To- Depeche Mode (LOL!)
The person you will marry....describe him/her: Lost On the Stoop- Daniel Powter (HAHA!)
You look like: Chop Me Up- Justin Timberlake (HAH! What does that mean?)
Biggest turn on: Tu Amor Me Hace Bien- Marc Anthony (go Marc!)
Biggest fear: Great Indoors- John Mayer (definitely afraid of wasting my life away in front of the TV)
Best day of your life: Bedshaped- Keane (Not touching that one! LOL!)
Last spiritual moment: Not Myself- John Mayer (uh oh!)
Work is: Little Remedy- Sandi Thom (yeah right!)
How long will you be single for: Break Down Those Doors- Default (I sure did!)
Your kids: White Shadows- Coldplay (LOL! I am so white so kids will probably be as well)
Vacation: The Secret Life of Daydreams- Pride and Prejudice (sounds promising!)
Old age will be: Give Me Life- Daniel Powter (hmm)
Will you perform: Lately- Stevie Wonder (I am always performing!)
Does the person you love think about you often: Love Song For No One- John Mayer (aw!)
What do most of the time: Your Eyes Open- Keane (try to stay awake!)
1st love: X&Y- Coldplay (ok?)
Worst relationship: Glow- Nelly Furtado (um no)
Worst job: If The Rain Must Fall - James Morrison (yep!)
Last job: Of Death and Dying- The Power of One (LOL!!!!)
Pets: Dont have one so skipped
The ocean is: Mr. Golden Deal- Tonic
Your favorite book is: Learning to Breathe - Nerina Pallot
You should be doing more of: City Love- John Mayer (maybe)
Thing you do the most: The Way- Jill Scott (hmm)
Thing you never do: Until the End of Time - Justin Timberlake
Proudest moment: Heavenly (Good Feeling)- Seal (cool!)
Your health: If Its Loving That You Want - Rihanna (hehe!)
Your fitness level: The Heart of the Matter- India.Arie
Where you live/will live: Here to Stay- Christina Aguilera (Nooooooooooooo!)
Kissing: Oh Mother- Christina Aguilera (LOL!!!!!!)
Hugging: Uninvited- Alanis Morrisette (aw!)
Falling asleep next to the person you love: Heartbeats- Jose Gonzalez (lovely)
Height: Everything is Just Wonderful- Lilly Allen
Weight: There's Hope - India.Arie (very appropriate!)
Last day alive: Lemon Parade- Tonic (hmmm)
1st day alive: Dont You Worry Bout a Thing- Stevie Wonder (hehe!)
Day you give birth/see your woman give birth: Dont Let the Sun Go Down On Me- Elton John (interesting)
Life's meaning: Littlest Things- Lilly Allen (very true!!!)
What I need to do tomorrow: Summer Wind- Michael Buble
The most important thing to keep in mind is: Leaving So Soon- Keane (guess life is short! LOL)
Monday, September 04, 2006

Hey guys. Sorry to keep this so short but I am sooo tired. I updated my
weight loss blog if you want to check that out. I promise I will be back soon. Just wanted to thank you all for the lovely comments. They mean so much. Glad you all liked the flowers. =)
Talked to my counsellor about my hair and she said it was normal and will grow back. Hope I dont have to get into a wig before that happens! Anyways, love you all VERY much. Will post again either tomorrow or Wednesday. In the meantime, I will share this cute cartoon with you guys. It made me laugh so hard. *grin*
Friday, September 01, 2006

I wanted to thank each one of you for your kind and lovely comments. I am sorry that it has taken me a week to get back to post again and also that I did not respond to each comment individually. As you can imagine this week has been a difficult one. I have been mostly numb and in denial but today I took off to have the day to myself. I needed to just be alone. At the moment, I just want to sleep. I think I will in a little while. Take a nice nap. We have the assembly this weekend and want to be rested up for it. I have to say everyone's comments have really encouraged me. Seriously, they have really helped. I dont feel alone in dealing with it. I know your prayers have helped as well. I havent talked to Nathan but for a few minutes since the last time. The poor thing sounded worse. He was busy and I haven't been able to get a hold of him since. I know he will be okay but its natural to worry over those you love. A friend of mine sent flowers to arrive at his parents house yesterday and I sent some to arrive today. I believe another friend is sending some as well. I still need to send out a card as the little card on the flowers is not enough to express myself on. These are the ones I sent. I found the funeral flowers to be too depressing:

I hope they like them. When I told Nathan that we were all sending flowers, he sounded shocked but in a good way. He said "That is the best thing you can do." They are not having a public funeral service for Eric which I respect. They have to do what is right for them, for them to grieve and move on. I am totally keeping tabs on Nate for the next few months. It takes a long time to get somewhat used to what has happened and in this case I am sure it will take even longer.
Anyways, on to other news (before I get too depressed) I got my hair cut yesterday. It is
seriously falling out. I was warned that could happen with my diet program but I didnt think it would happen to me. Literally everyday its falling out in chunks. I knew I had split ends and it was very heavy in the back and I had not cut my hair since December so I went last night to get it done. I will post a pic up of it. Its not fancy or anything but I think it looks healthier and I hope it helps to stop my hair from coming out. The good thing is that it will grow back, the thickness that is. I am worried but not panicking as I have always had loads of hair. Enough to spare.
So like I said this weekend is our assembly. I am really looking forward to it. I am sorry to say that since getting the news about Eric, I have not been to one meeting (so I missed 2) and I
know that is the worse thing to do but I have always been like that and I need to learn that its exactly during situations like this that I need to be at the meetings. I will get there. I hope this assembly rejuevenates us like the convention did. Our friends have called us and asked if they could take us out for dinner after the assembly on Sunday as its our anniversary on the 19th and they are going to Cuba and we are going to Italy so we wont have any time to celebrate together. I am looking forward to it. Its weird cause we went out for dinner with them last year as well and suddenly the next one is upon us! LOL Crazy stuff.
I will take pics at the assembly and post some up for you guys. Love you all SO much. You really do mean so much to me and touch my heart in a way I cant express. May Jehovah to continue protecting and blessing you and your families.