Thursday, June 29, 2006

I want to thank those who have commented on my last post. I really appreciate the kind words of encouragement. I know the decision we are making wont be easy but it will be for the best and Jehovah will help us to do what we need to do to serve him better. I love you all. Thank you!

If you are coming here and don't know what I am talking about, please refer to the last post.
So we are obviously still planning on going to NY. I still havent received my passport from the British government. I think they are holding it hostage. They must want to keep me in the country cause they love me so much!

I am calling them tomorrow about it. Also, the manager at HSBC never called me back. His exact words "Will get back to you no later than Monday." and yes that was the Monday that just passed. I called today and they sent him a reminder. What a crap bank. I want my money! I want to start planning our Italy trip. I cant believe it coming up so fast. I need to start booking things.
So anyways, I am going to talk a bit about work. There is a situation going on which is a bit odd. There are four of us that do the same job as Sales Support Executives. If you dont know what is, we basically provide support for the sales teams of the company. I am responsible for the sales team of the West of England. So there is this one guy who gets paid 3 grand more than us other three. 3 GRAND more a year.

Ok supposedly he has more experience. Here is the problem....he STINKS at his job. Completely and totally. I could go on and on about why but the main reason being he is REALLY unorganized and doesn't really care. That is the plain truth. I mean our job is not hard, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do it but it is EXTREMELY demanding. You have about 4 departments depending on you at once because proving support for our group is just the tip of the iceberg. We also work for Marketing and each have our own individual projects we are responsible for. Basically the boy is completely untrustworthy. You cannot rely on him for help. He messes up often and his own team has said that they cannot rely on him. So the money issue REALLY upsets me cause I work my butt of and get paid way less every month. I have known this for months that he makes more than us and it has been a sore spot until last week when it all came to a head. One of us was on holiday and the other had to cop out for the whole week due to family issues. He did not offer to help once. Not ONCE. I did my job, Sophy and Deons without him helping me at all. I went home SO stressed Thursday and cried when I got home. He had the nerve to say "Mel, you seem really off this week. Why are you struggling to get your work done. I havent had a problem at all." This is from a man who works 5 days a week and still is struggling to finish things on Monday morning the next week when I work 4 days and my work is completely done when I am gone for the weekend on Thursday. So that was IT for me. I talked to the girls about it cause they are really sick of him as well but they didnt want to say anything. So before I lost my courage I emailed my HR manager and asked to speak to her. It was making me physically sick. I told I wanted to speak to her. She is really cool and asked me to join her for a cup of coffee. So we met yesterday afternoon and I told her 1. I wanted to go full time in Sept (we need the money) and 2. About Mark. I told her straight out that he is awful at his job and the fact he makes a substantial amount more than the rest of us is bothering us. I was really professional and told her I do not have a problem with him personally at all. Its just his work that bothers me. I gave her a few examples. I told her I didnt want to get anyone in trouble. She thanked me for coming to her, she was really grateful. She was shocked by what I told her and really disturbed when she heard how upset us girls are. So she asked for my permission to speak to my manager Heidi about it and I gave it to her. She immediately got in touch with Heidi and they were in a LONG meeting. When I was about to go home Heidi followed me in the bathroom and thanked me for bringing this to her attention. I told her I felt a bit bad and she said not to. She was really glad someone said something because she cant see everything. We all work in the same office (6 of us) in a very SMALL office but she isnt always there to see what goes on. The other girls would never have said anything but they did email Sandra (the HR manager) to agree with all I said today so that was good. I dont want him to get fired. I just want him to up his game and help us out more if he is going to get paid more. A few months ago the girls were hating on him and plain out rude and I took him aside to talk about it and he acknowledged what I said. He has been told by the managers that he needs to improve a few months ago but hasnt. So I am curious to see what will happen. As I told them, more than anything I just needed to get it all off my chest. I cant talk about it with the girls and then not do something about it. So I will let you know what happens. Please share your thoughts about this if you would like.
Monday, June 26, 2006

I am amazed. I was just reading some of my older posts from before Ronny and I were married. It was nice to reminisce over things I had totally forgotten about as well as see what mind set I was at that point. Its crazy. I feel like a completely different person. I don't think I even write the same way anymore. I have a different way of expressing myself now. Somehow more subdued. I was reading about the arguements I had with my mom regarding the wedding and things and now I just wish I could be with her! Moving away from your family and home country can really change your priorities!
Ok, I am going to just tell you guys what the whole situation is...what I have been "stressing" over. Without going into massive detail....we have decided as of right now to back to New York. The main reason being we don't feel that we are progressing spiritually out here. I feel that the last year and a half has taken its toll. We have been through so much, more than I can even get into to, just know that its been really hard and on top of getting married, we moved countries twice and although we have built our way up to where we are, we are not satisfied with the state of our spirituality. Dont get me wrong, we are not doing horribly bad but we need to be around a support system to grow more spiritually. I feel that we have matured in many other areas but have neglected the most important areas. And moving country AGAIN and to another congregation is just not going to help us. Our congregation here is wonderful and supportive but they dont know us and being as conservative as they are, its very different from what I am used to. The society makes sure that those they send out to other countries are doing really well spiritually and if we ever want to come back out to Europe, fine, it will always be there but we need to prioritize and do the right thing. Time is running out in this system. So we are planning hopefully for January but could be pushed to March. Its all depending on the immigration as we need to file for Ronny's passport. I am happy to go home but at the same time I was so looking forward to Spain. But it will always be there. I know a lot of people wont understand and that is fine, we have prayed about this a lot and talked to my parents as well as others in our congregation and we feel its the right thing to do. Things can change, nothing is ever set in stone but will let you know what happens either way. Please tell me what you think. Its actually going to be hard moving back, after thinking it through but we will have Jehovah's blessing cause we are putting him first.
On to a lighter side, we are going to an outdoor concert of The Rat Pack (the broadway show) in Kenwood Park in London with some friends. There will be loads of bethelites there as its free and I am really looking forward to it. I love Frank Sinatra and it will be great. Hope the weather holds up!
Btw, I am down 33.5 lbs!!!! Found out in my weight in tonight. =)
See you later! Love you all.
Friday, June 23, 2006

Hey guys, thanks for all the sweet comments. Things have gotten a tad better. Sorry I still cant get into it! But will soon enough. Just please know that your encouragement and support is very much appreciated. Its nothing bad, just like I said before....a change. I want to make sure I am making the right decisions before I tell others. Sorry, I know its a bit of a tease. I promise to tell you as soon as I can! I feel that things are more in control though. I dont feel as overwhelmed so hopefully it stays that way.
I still havent gotten my passport. I called the department yesterday to find out what the situation was but they couldnt tell me much so suggested I call next week. I really hope this gets resolved cause I so badly want to go to Paris! Also, we are supposed to go to Sweden in August and then on our anniversary in Sept. Lots to do so I need my passport back!
As regards our anniversary, we decided not to spend loads of money but to save up so I am trying to organize a combo trip of Rome and Venice. I am dying to go to Italy and those are the two places that I have always wanted to see. I filed my complaint with HSBC for all the hassle I have had to go through for the last year and a half (its a lot!) and the branch manager called me yesterday saying they were going to contact me about compensation in the next few days. I asked for a lot which I know they wont pay but I figured they can always go lower with their offer. Anyways, hoping to use the money towards the trip. There is a beautiful hotel in Venice I want us to stay at.
Here it is. I would love to get the Junior Suite Grand Canal View but we'll see how much we can afford. I want to spend our anniversary day there. Its so romantic!!! =)
By the way, Monday marks my halfway mark for my 100 days! Its flying!!
Anyways, that is it for now. I am tired. REALLY stressful day yesterday and didnt sleep well so I am heading to bed for a nap. Thanks again my lovely friends. Be back soon!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Big Change.

There are a lot of things going on.....but I guess that is usual anyway. I just feel like I am continuously going. If its not one thing its another. Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed. I am so tired. I definitely need a break. I cant wait for Paris. I called the Home Office to find out the status of my application so I can get my passport back. They said that after 9 weeks they still hadn't even handed it over to a case worker. Even the guy on the phone was shocked that it was taking that long so tomorrow I need to write them a letter saying I need my application done quickly as I am traveling. The customer service in this country is absolutely horrible! They just dont care. Do they not expect me to travel during the summer? Its ridiculous.
Things seem to be changing quite a bit. I mean LARGE changes. I cant get into them (they are not bad just different) at the moment until we figure out what we are going to do and of course then I will inform all my friends. My mom is the only one I am talking to about this at the mo. I feel really mixed up about the whole thing so I wish I could go into detail but that will have to wait.
Tomorrow is the end of my sixth week. Almost half way through! Now nothing is fitting me anymore. But its a good feeling. I went to a class this weekend and saw some of my old classmates from my Anatomy course and they were going on about how good I looked. I was really pleased with that. Other than that was a boring course to take although mandatory.
Im pooped. Will be back later.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Long time.

Wow! I didn't even realize how long its been since I posted until I realized that I am far and beyond the 17lbs. I am up to 25lbs and counting believe it or not.

It's going so fast. I had to get a few items of clothing since everything is either too big or too small. But can't complain! So my diet is still going well.
My massage exam is looming. I am not too nervous but that is at the moment.

I did really well on my mock exam. I didn't study but got 85% on my theory exam so will be studying and hopefully be getting an even better mark. I am still debating whether I want to continue with my studying and do reflexology. Everyone is encouraging me to do so but there is a part of me that just wants to move to Spain sooner. I think I will go through with it though as I know I will regret not getting qualified out here. Its very cheap and I start the class in September and finish in February. I think I need to just go ahead and do it.
Man has it been hot out here. We had the nicest weather for about a week and then it went way up. Yesterday it went up to 90. Doesn't seem like much but in a country with no air conditioning, trust me, that is a lot! I felt so sick.

Plus I work in a really old building with no ventilation so it was probably more like 95 in the office if not more. Today is dropped down and started raining. Never thought I would be so happy to see the rain in London! We need a break.
Gosh, I am so tired so going to keep this short and sweet. Looking forward to our trip to Paris next month. Its our only trip this summer unless we go to Sweden as planned and haven't been there since our engagement so really really excited about it. Found out it is cheaper to fly than take the train so we will be going from 3-4 days. Will of course post pics.
Be back soon. Love you all!
Friday, June 02, 2006
17lbs and counting.

Hi guys. I am amazed at the amount of people coming by lately. Its sweet and makes me feel special.

So thanks to you all.
So anyways, at my last weight in on Tuesday, I had lost another 4lbs so 17lbs in 3 weeks and counting. I am so excited as my 4th week is already up and I am hoping to hit the big 2-0. I still have a long way to go but the fast results really help with the process. My clothes are really starting to feel big. I dont want to get new clothes yet as (I know this probably sounds weird) feeling my clothes baggy makes me feel good and also determined to never get to that point again. I am already amazed by how big I was.

But it doesn't matter cause its on its way out!!
In other news, it's my last weekend of school tomorrow and Sunday. VERY happy! I am getting a bit tired of it (as much as I enjoy it) due to the endless case studies. Its quite tiring. I start reflexology in September but I am re-thinking it due to the fact that I will need to do 60 case studies!!! I only had to do 20 this time. I know I shouldn't be lazy but I have the same teacher who taught me anatomy and he can be a bit annoying. Not very structured. Hope he is better in practical then he is in theory. Also, they have changed my exam date to a week later than it was. Which is fine with me! An extra week to study and hopefully finish my case studies. I have someone coming today (one of them didnt show) at 4 and then one tomorrow after school. Did one last night after work. Its rough! But soon over.

Ronny says, how are you going to handle it as a full time job and I tell him, well for one I will be a lot lighter and also wont be doing office work full time. Its hard squeezing it all in right now. Ok enough moaning.
We are not going to Sweden at the end of this month after all. I
still have not received my passport back from the government. They did say it could take up to 16 weeks but I didnt think they meant it! Hope I get it back soon.
Our plans for Spain are kinda going ahead. I am looking at some offplan property and will let you know if anything results out of it.
Anyways, off to do a bit more cleaning before Julia gets here. See ya later!