Saturday, April 29, 2006
Ok, well I tried to password protect my site but I couldnt find anything I liked. So if anyone knows of a way just to add a password to my entire site (one that pops up) please let me know. In the meantime, I am only going to give out the website address to those who ask for it. I havent made it public so it cant be searched for. Sorry for the hassle but I once had a "stalker" and being that I am going to post pics and stuff I just dont want it that easily accessible. So ask me, Ill give it to you and bookmark it! I have already posted my first entry on it regarding the whole program and hopefully will be starting it soon. Hope you are all well. If you are coming here and this doesnt make sense, read the post below this one. =)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Lighter Life

Well, I am finally going through with it. I am starting on a new weight loss program. Its called
Lighter Life. Im not going to go through all the ins and outs of it as when I explain it, people tend to get worried and freak out a bit. I just got to the point where my family is ok with it. Its nothing really drastic like surgery. I need to get a medical done before I can start because my doctor needs to sign me off. I am hoping to start in the next two weeks but it depends on when I get signed off and when the meetings start. I am going to make my weight loss blog password protected cause I am going to posting up pictures (nothing graphic!) so if you would like to get the password please email me at . I wont have the blog up and running until Friday. At that point I will write all about what the program involves. Im really really excited as this program has an incredibly high success rate. I hope this is it for me. I cant wait to be a sexy beast!!! YEAH! *hehe*
Other that, its finally turned to spring here. YAY!!! Its been cold but today was the first day where it was too warm to wear anything but a t-shirt. It was really nice. And all the flowers are blooming. It is really lifting my spirits.
I am still really busy doing my case studies and plus I have school this weekend but its my second to last weekend before my exam and then I am done with massage. I am looking forward to starting reflexology in September though.
I guess that is it for now. Will be back in a few days. =)
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ugh, Ive got the worse headache.

I have been starting my massage case studies this week and did one yesterday as well as Ronny's back when he got home PLUS it was the week of "lifting heavy boxes" at work so my neck and back are none to happy with me at the moment. I also have another case study to do in 2 hours. Im just going to take my time and not rush as its only going to make me feel worse. Wish I could cancel but I really need to keep going. I have to get used to this anyway if I want to do it full time. Anyways, yesterday morning before my case study, Cathy, came over I was a nervous wreck. I also had a dentist appointment for the first time in 7 years right after so that didn't help either. I was snapping at Ronny as I tried to clean up before she got there and he left for work. He came back home early to take me to the dentist and had a dozen roses for me.

He took me to the dentist (which went well, I dont need anything pulled!!) and then we went for lunch on the high street. It was really nice. The first real warm day we have had and I could feel my spirits lifting. I went to the Health Food store and found the VitB12 and St. Johns Wort I want to get and will pick them up when I get paid next week. When we got home Ronny gave me a massage which was really nice and then we went to the book study. A nice day.
In other news we got Sky TV out here which is basically cable. Im so happy though cause now I can watch all my American shows like Seinfield and Everyone Loves Raymond. I know it seems silly but it means a lot!

I've been watching Spongebob like crazy. hehe
I am getting my new digital camera next week so looking forward to getting back into photography. I am especially looking forward to going to Budapest to take loads of pictures there. Its a beautiful place. I hope I get my passport in time to go! I had to hand it in to get my UK residence permit.
My friend Nate and his fiance Jena are getting married next month. Well in a few weeks really. He is in the Russian congregation and loves all things Russian so I think Im going to get him these cool vodka shot glasses. They are cube shaped and come in an ice box so that you can keep them cold. But Im not totally sure. He is a REALLY good friend of mine and unfortunately I cant make the wedding so want to make sure the gift is really good. *sigh* Im going to keep looking.
Just wanted to share a picture I took near my job. I work right near the Thames River and thought it was a beautiful day. was really cool. Very insightful.
My Personal Dna Report
Friday, April 14, 2006
This week.

I really hate that throughout the week I think about all the things I want to write on here but when I finally have the time to sit down to create a post I totally forget. =/ Ah well. This week was a bit all over the place. It was only a 3 day work week for me (another one next week= ) and an extremely boring one at that since the schools were closed. There are 5 other people in my small office. 4 girls and 1 guy. Lately there has been loads of tension between 3 of the girls and the guy. Its been really distracting and frankly just gets on my nerves. YES he can be annoying but the girls snap at him and are quite rude and no one will tell him what he is doing that is bothering them which I don't think is fair. Also because I spend a lot of time trying to keep the peace and being nice to him, its like the office has become divided. So I decided I was going to say something to him. I wrote the girls an email telling them that I was going to have a talk with him and one was ok with it but the other two didnt want me to. In fact, one of them said she thought things should stay the same...basically that when he does something that bothers them, they will handle it then and there and just tell him off. How immature is that!

I told her, quite nicely, that I would not handle my own child like that and would definitely not do that with another adult! She is my age but still lives at home, doesnt pay bills and is extremely spoiled and immature. I do like her as a person but this situation with Mark has caused some tension between us. Well I did have my talk with him and explained to him some of the others concerns. There was a time when he was really slacking off (all 4 of us do the same job and the other girl is the marketing assistant) but I could see he was really making an effort. So he was ok with what I said and said he would rather be told when something was wrong than not so at least he can make an effort to change. I was really happy with that and although I was met with silence back in the office I knew I did the right thing. Its slowly getting a bit better but man do they love to gossip and talk about him the second he leaves the room. THIS is why growing up I had more guy friends than girl friends! Ridiculous!!!

The day of the memorial was really hard for me. I was struggling to not feel bad. I didnt want to sink into my depression again. My sister called and gave me some bad news which honestly left me reeling. I felt so horrible after that. I had to hold back tears for a good two hours. I was wondering if I would be able to enjoy the Memorial but I went home, did the reading in one go and felt so much better. I prayed that Jehovah would help me and he did and I was so grateful for that. We had a really nice Memorial with 146 in attendance (we have 70 pubs so it was double!) and no partakers. I have been on and off since then but no where as bad as I have been in the past. Its going to be a day to day struggle. But I am going to keep fighting.
Im really excited.

We are working on going to Budapest next month for 6 days. Im really looking forward to it cause its not somewhere I would have normally thought of going. We have a friend who lives not too far from there and who we will hopefully be able to meet up with. I will let you know more about our plans as I have them.
Anyways, thats it for now. Be back soon. =)
Monday, April 10, 2006
Busted window.

Well this weekend ended up being really lovely. I was really worried I would spend all my time depressed over my parents leaving but I wasnt at all. I mean I miss them but what good is it focusing on it when I cant do anything about it? I have a hard time letting go of things I cannot control which frankly is a bit silly but I have always been that way and Im guessing its going to continue to be a work in progress.
Ronny was so sweet. He treated me to dinner TWICE. On Friday we went to a Harvester (steakhouse) up the street from where we live and then on Saturday we went into town and had some Thai food. It was really lovely. Unfortunately when we got back to the car we realized that someone had smashed in the drivers window. It's Ronny's work van and he thinks they were looking for something quick to sell (it says Siemens on the side) for drugs. To say the least I was shocked because when we left the car it was broad daylight, we were only gone for 2 hours, there were CCTV cameras EVERYWHERE and it was off of Tottenham Court Road, a VERY busy area in London. But guess they were desperate. Thankfully nothing was taken. I mean dishwasher parts arent exactly worth much to people who dont know what to do with them. =) I called emergency services since I didnt know who else to call and they put me through to the police who didnt have the capability to transfer me to the local station so I had to store the number on my phone and when I tried to call them it just kept ringing. To say the least I was not impressed with the system here in London. I called Emergency services again and they adviced us to go to another station. When we got there they just took our details down. Doubt anything will be done about it. Poor Ronny was freezing on the highway on the way home. He didnt have a hood on his coat like me so the wind was hitting him in the head. I was feeling a bit down but very shortly after that he was making me laugh again. I love my husband. He's so good for me. Im usually melodramatic about things but he can usually manage to calm me down and not take things to heart. I need that. I love him so much.
Friday, April 07, 2006

I got this from Jackies Blog and thought it was different and cute. Came home early from work with a migraine so just passing the time till the bookstudy:
Q: WHATS YOUR MAIN RINGTONE ON YOUR PHONE? Preciousa Puerto Rico-Marc Anthony
Q: WHAT DID THE LAST TEXT MESSAGE ON YOUR CELL PHONE SAY? from gail saying she couldnt meet me tomorrow. she was sick.
Q: NAME 3 THINGS THAT YOU HAVE ON YOU AT ALL TIMES? my cell phone, wedding rings, wallet.
Q: What is your favorite part of the chicken?: Breast
Q:What's your favorite town/city? New York, Falkenburg, Sweden and Miami in that order
Q: I can't wait to (til)...? we go to Budapest at the end of May!
Q: When was the last time you saw your mom? This last Wednesday right before she left for the airport. :(
Q: When was the last time you saw your dad? same
Q: When was the last time you talked to him? last night
Q: Who got you to join myspace? cant remember
Q: What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHT? went out to a BEAUTIFUL Indian restaurant in town
Q: How long have you been at your current job? 6 months
Q: Is Tom on your friends list? who is that???
Q: Look to your left. What's there? my lounge windows looking onto the street
Q: What/who is the last thing/person you spent over $50 on? probably Ronny
Q: Who's your favorite villain? I don't have one
Q: Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? cant recall, none of my friends are my size LOL
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Amazon or Ebay
Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car? nope because I dont have a car
Q: Do you have plants in your room? nope but one in the kitchen
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? yeah my neck is really bad
Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in? London (here where I live)
Q: Do you own a picture phone? yeah of course.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Mom & Dad

I have been debating whether I should keep this blog up being that I neglect it so much but I dont think I can since I have had it for so long now. Maybe I should just be more diligent. =)
Anyway, my parents visit came and went. They left this morning at 7am and I tried really hard to hold in the tears but once they left Ronny held me as I cried. I did a lot better than I thought I would in responding to their leaving. I was so worried I would be a complete mess and fall back into depression but so far Im ok. Im trying to stay positive about it. One of my good friends emailed me and after I told him I was depressed that they were leaving he told me to look at it this way "You had a good amount of time with them and got to do amazing things you would never have been able to do back home." So that is how I am trying to look at it. I have some fantastic memories and I really look forward to when they visit us in Spain.
We had such a great time in Scotland. What a beautiful country! We stayed at a self-catering cottage about a 20 min drive from Edinburgh. BEAUTIFUL area. It was nice cause we had the cottage to ourselves and there were horses in front of the house whenever we looked outside. We went out and fed them while my dad filmed us. We went to
Edinburgh Castle,
Stirling Castle (my fave!) and a few other places including the smallest distillery in Scotland where the only place you can buy their whiskey is there! Its run by three men and all handmade. I dont like whiskey but it was VERY nice!! It was just a great experience with my parents. The countryside was beautiful dispite the bad weather. The mountaintops capped with snow. I cant wait to go back. The people are SO friendly as well and so knowledgable about their history.
Cool thing I just found out. Well kinda. My dad has a cousin who lives out here in Suffolk which is about an hour and a half away by car. He is 2 years younger than my dad and I have only met him once. Well my dad hasnt seen him in a long time and didnt have his number. So being the internet Google freak that I am I found his number online (he is not a witness and lives on a military base although retired) and we called him. He was SO happy to hear from us. Especially to find out that Ronny and I live in London. Well he came down literally the next day and he is so sweet! I remember when I met him I thought he was really nice and his wife (who is English) is really really sweet as well. He definitely has not lost his southerness (he is from NC like my dad) and he had this HUGE pickup truck which made me laugh cause the cars here are so small in comparision. Anyways, he stayed the night with us and then drove my parents back to his place for a visit and they stayed the night. I couldnt go as I had school but we have been keeping in touch through SMS and I am THRILLED I have family here!!! It makes such a difference! We are already planning when to meet up again. Cant wait.
My schooling is going well. I passed my Anatomy exam!!!! Got my result when I came home from Scotland. I am really happy about that since two girls in my class failed and I thought I was going to as well but I did pretty good. Massage is going well. We are finally starting our case studies which makes me nervous but Im also excited about as I need to get used to massaging strangers and in a venue other than school. So contacted one lady already who lives nearby and can drive over to my house for the hour. I need to do 5 people 4 times each which is a total of 20 treatments before 12th of June so I have a bit of time. Will need to plan carefully though.
Anyways, I will TRY to come back and talk more about things. I was very much depressed before my parents came. Dont know really what it was but it was getting progressively worse. I feel better now and hope it lasts. Hope you are all well. Love you guys!