Tomorrow I start massage!!!!! SO excited about it. This last Monday was my anatomy exam. I was studying like crazy for weeks and I hope I passed but not sure and not going to find out for another 2 months or so. (I know, they are SO slow!!!) I was so stressed with the exam that I havent even been able to really get excited about massage but its hit me today. I finally got my table the other day and SO happy about that. I absolutely love it. I didn't buy the one from the school cause honestly I didnt like it so I found a company online that sells them and will refund completely if you arent happy and that is important and I didnt one that would squeak obviously. The table is really really nice and sturdy and has a few accessories and came with a cool cover and case. I spent an extra 100 pounds but it was worth it as I wont have to upgrade for a very long time. Also cause I spent so much they sent me these REALLY cute little baby plants in keyrings. They are really hard to explain but they are REALLY tiny and you water them every four weeks and in 6 months you can transfer it to a pot. They are ADORABLE!!! I got 5 different ones and gave them around my office and the girls love them. I want to order more. They are such a cool idea. I have a little cactus thats like the size of my pinky nail and its got these cute little hairs all over it that I am guessing will harden into needles one day. Anyways, they are cute and we all have ours on our desks.
Back to massage, so I got my uniform and all my supplies (there were loads of things to get!!) and spent my entire paycheck in one week!!! UGH! But it was worth it and I can write off my equipment on my taxes.
My parents are coming in five weeks! SOOO excited about that. Feels like yesterday I was counting down till Kathy got here and now its been a month since she left! But its going to be SO special having my parents here in MY home. =) And we are going to Ireland which I am trying to sort out. Trying to find them a good deal where they can go to Rome for a few days as well as they are really keen to do that.
Anyways, hope you are all good. Just thought I would share my joy. =)