Right before we left for the meeting last night, my mom called to tell me my dad bought tickets for them to come visit us in March!
I cannot tell you how excited that made me. Its going to be absolutely amazing to show my parents around London. They have never been to Europe before or really even out of America (I dont think Canada and Mexico count as much). So its going to be so much to show them around my new home. And to have them stay in our flat will be a cool but strange experience. I mean my parents have never been in the situation where they would come to MY house.
Its funny because I was just starting to feel better about being here. Starting to like it here again. Getting excited about throwing a surprise wedding shower for a friend here. And now with my parents coming, that just makes it a billion times easier. I work much better when I have something to look forward to, even if it is 5 months away. It just gives me more time to fix up our new flat (when we move out next month) and lose the 20lbs I have wanted to lose all year. I mean I want to lose much more but that is a good realistic goal as I will be very busy for the next few months. Anyways, SO excited they are coming!! 
Btw, I wrote another much longer 'update' post beneath this one that will explain a lot of what has been going on. Talk laters!
Listening to: 'How Far is Heaven' by Los Lonely Boys
So many new things...
I know I have been absolute crap at updating for the past month. I go through these strange stages where I just don't like blogging and that usually means I need to change the layout, which I am in the process of doing. I am having a bit of a hard time finding something that suits this particular time in my life. Mmmm.
Well as usual after a hiatus quite a few things have happened:
1. My trip to NY came and went. It was amazing and I had a blast. I cried when I got back home but soon got back into the swing of things and am trying to love London as I dont want my own negativity to complicate living here. I do miss my family and my culture but my trip made me realize that I CAN go back home when I want so I dont feel so isolated out here anymore. I am looking forward to going back again, though. I didnt realize how much I love NY. It will always be my home. But while Im here, I need to get the most out of it I can. Oh yes, our first wedding anniversary came and went and to say the least it was a wonderful day. Looking forward to the next one!

2. I started school for massage therapy.

It was quite a crazy start. The first weekend I got back from America (I arrived back into London on Thrusday) I had to start school. As if depression from leaving home and jetlag and nervousness over my first day of school weren't enough, we got into an accident on the way there. Ah well. It wasn't anything major. I really did enjoy school though. The girls are great (a class of about 25) and my teacher is the nicest, most patient man. I was a bit overwhelmed with having to do mitosis and meiosis and a bunch of other medical things right away but I dove right in and had a blast. Cant wait for the next weekend.
3. I got a new job.

In fact I was just offered the position on Monday. Its for the Sales Support Administrator for a fantastic company called
Espresso Education which I am really excited about working for. The people sound really great. Quite a few Americans and a very relaxed atmosphere. I got to wear jeans to work!! Woohoo! Silly I know to be excited about that but I am so sick of wearing slacks to work everyday. I will not go to work looking like a bum but it will be nice to be in comfortable clothes. Also, the time is flexible. They dont really care too much when you come in or leave as long as you make your eight hours a day and thats awesome. The best part is that I will be getting the same pay as I got at my last job for four days instead of five!!! I am working four days so that Ill have a day to rest when I have school but also to up my service hours. So my last job was willing to give me the four days but wanted to cut off 3,000 a year. This job is giving me the same money for less work! Im really happy about that. We are moving into a new flat next month and I was worried about Ronny having to carry the financial responsibilites as he is just done with training at his job. This job offer is such a blessing from Jehovah. Im really excited about it.
Well that is it for now. Going to hunt for the new layout. Hope you are all well! Miss you guys!