Its my last day at work!!! Woohoo! So excited! Well actually I do have half a day more to train my replacement for a bit. They wanted me to come in Tuesday and Wednesday as well but with interviews and getting ready for my trip and everything it would be too much. So much is going on right now its crazy. I dont think I wrote about this before (sorry if I repeat myself) but the lady downstairs from us moved out of her flat. Its a one bedroom. Before she left I asked her if someone was taking it over and she said she didnt think so, so we called the agency in charge of the flat and to make a long story short they are willing to switch so we can take the 1bedroom flat! We would be in the same building which is awesome for us as we didnt really want to move out of the area, just really needed something bigger. I have seen the flat and totally love it! So really excited about that. Also....
Only one week to go until I fly to NYC!I went out and bought a bunch of gifts for my friends and family yesterday and that was super fun. I just cant wait to give them to everyone! We are going to have such a blast. I ordered Ronny's violin (our anniversay is in another week and a few days) and I booked a hotel in the city for our anniversary night just as a little treat. The hotel is GORGEOUS! Its The Carlton on Madison Avenue. We only have it for one night but that will be enough. Itwill be a nice experience. =)Sorry for the delay in posting but Ronny and I were in a car accident about a week ago. We were on the highway in traffic when a car hit us from behind. There was no major damage to our truck but the other guy couldnt drive his car after that. I went to the hospital to check my back and neck as I hit the seat pretty hard but the doctor said I would be fine. Just some muscle pain for a few days. So we are good now though. =)
Gotta run. Later!