Thursday, August 25, 2005
Two interviews!
Only 3 more weeks left till I'm home in NYC!! 
Also some other goods news: I have two job interviews next week!!! Both are for pharmaceutical companies near where I live. One is for an Office Co-ordinator and the other is for an Admin Assistant. They both would allow me to work four days per week which I am thrilled about! So this weekend I am going shopping for a new interview outfit. Bank Holiday weekend too so they should have some good sales. So excited about it!
Thats about all the news I have for now. This last weekend was nice. We went over to a couple's house in my congregation and had a meal. They are really nice and since we moved in have looked after us. They are such a blessing.
Oh! Another cool thing is that Jane Seymour walked into my reception today! She was seeing someone about getting an earpiece fitted. I work on a very prestigous medical street in London so we see tons of celebs but most I dont know so it was so cool to see Jane. And she looks stunning for her age! Everyone here was in a flutter.
Anyways, hope you guys are well. Talk later!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Possible new job.
Well, the job hunt is going well already. I have a possible interview coming up. I decided not to wait until I got back from NY in October but wanted to start looking already. So I searched on Google for Harrow based companys (the area where I live) and found a pharmaceutical company nearby so I sent them my resume and a cover letter telling them what I am looking for and they called me back! I talked to the CFO (the person who called me) yesterday and he seemed very impressed and said when the COO (the person really handling the recruitment) came back this week they would take it forward and call me again.

So here is hoping! It would be GREAT if the first company that calls me would give me a job. I could cut out all the stress of searching.
Other than that not much else is new. Looking forward to my last day of work here. Only 3 and half more weeks. Looking forward to buying Ronny's anniversary gift (a violin) when I get paid next week. Also, looking to book a hotel room in the city for the night of our anniversary. I really cant wait to go home. Only one more month to go!

*Jackie* Email me and we will figure out something. I have friends coming up from NC the week Ronny is there so we need to figure out when we can meet up. But we really want to see you guys so hopefully it will work out!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Sorry its been a few days since I posted. We had our convention this weekend and it was absolutely wonderful. I actually got some sort of stomach bug and missed Friday =( but Saturday and Sunday were great. I loved the drama!!! I think our peak attendance was about 22,000 with about 300 Russian brothers and sisters. It was held at the Twickenham rugby stadium here in London. Big outdoor venue. Made me remember our conventions at Yankee Stadium when I was a kid. Got a little nostalgic when I first got there and a little misty eyed. First time I was ever at a convention without my family. But I was able to buckle down and enjoy it. In case there are some of you who havent gone yet I wont give too much away. ;)
I am soooo excited about my trip to NY. My best friend, Janice, is coming up with from North Carolina with her hubby, Jeremy, for a week so we will get to see each other. I am absolutely thrilled about that since I havent seen her since MY wedding almost a year ago and before that I hadnt seen her since HER wedding a year before that! But its amazing because when we get together its like we were never apart. We have been friends for 15 years now and counting. So happy about seeing her again.
I am contemplating joining Weight Watchers. I know it has been successful for a few of my friends. Honestly it has never appealed to me. I am worried it will be too restrictive with the counting of points and everything. What do you guys think? They have this new program you can access online and that is basically why I want to try it. Let me know.
Gotta run but catch you guys later.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Its official!!! I am going back home to NYC!!!!!!

September 17th I am flying out with Ronny to NY for 3 weeks. Unfortunately due to the fact Ronny needs to be back home at a certain time for training he will only be able to stay for a week but I will stay for 2 extra afterwards. I cannot tell you how excited and happy I am about it! I miss my family and friends SO much. Last night, I was thinking about when I finally get to see my mom again and I started crying. I am going to be really overwhelmed. I think I will cry.....I think we will both cry. I really look forward to it and cant believe I am finally going home. Mich and Jackie, we so need to meet up!!! I will be there from the 17th to Oct 6th. Let me know if you want to do something.
We are spending our 1st wedding anniversary there.

I cant wait! I will tell you guys what I am getting Ronny later just in case he still reads my site. Talk later!