Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I know you guys will probably think we are completely insane but this weekend after we got home from the Special Talk, Ronny and I sat down and talked about what we plan on doing for the next few years. London was kind of "Well lets go and see what happens". Now that we have been here for 3 months we need to really sort out what we plan on doing. So, I am booking massage therapy classes this October and by May I should I have my diploma. Ronny is looking into his electrical qualification and we have decided that by next summer we will move to Paris. We figure we are both young and we would love to see a bit of the world. We love our congregation here so we would really like to stay for another year but we dont really see ourselves settling here. So as of right now its Paris next summer for a year or two and then Spain for another year and then either Italy for a year or we go to America to settle. We want to wait till the children are old enough to come visit us in America before we settle down. So hope you dont think we are nuts but we are really looking forward to this. It will have its difficulties as with everything but I think now I have a better idea of what to expect, what to work on, etc. We are going to take French courses this fall for 15 weeks and will get as much organized and planned before the move as possible. What do you all think?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
hello again!
Im back again....thanks for the comments guys. Our Memorial went REALLY well. Had 150 in attendance and 50 of those were visitors. Ebony did come with us and had loads of questions afterward so we took her out for dinner and got to witness to her for a while. It was all really nice. STOMP! was AMAZING. I had such a blast and so did Ronny. The show is and hour and 40 minutes but it flew so fast! Its really amazing what people can do with just the most average of things. There was a point in the show when they just pulled things out of a garbage bag and made music with it. So cool. I would recommend it to any of you guys!
Other than those things, things are good. Ronny surprised me with a picnic this Saturday at the Embankment which is next to the River Thames. Such a lovely day. We have been getting really mixed up weather with it raining like crazy one day and then sunny the next. Fortunately its been sunny and really warm on the weekends going up to about 70 degrees. London is a really nice and fun place to live when its warm outside. We just roam the city, looking through all the nooks and crannys. I am finally regaining my love of London again and starting to feel more at home here. I am hoping to head back home for a week or two at the end of May. We are planning for it and I told my employer so hope it works out! I miss everyone and feel like I have been away for ages! I think its not just the homesickness but also the fact that I have grown SO much since I have left America. I havent had a choice really. But its a good thing. It has been insanely hard. Harder than I ever though it could be. Sweden wasnt so bad, it was easier but London is a totally different story. Its super expensive to live here and I have to budget and balance everything. But its all good cause I really feel myself grow and learn more and more about who I am. Ronny is doing well. He is doing translation in Swedish and Danish and some market research in those languages as well. He really seems to enjoy it and I am hoping to find him some translation work on his own, it pays so well. He is really interested in either getting certified as an electrician or an accountant. Accounting takes forever to do but he can take some courses and work as an assistant. I am going back to school for massage therapy as soon as I can afford it. So things are on the up and up.
Anyways, my lunch is over so I better jet but be back soon!

The Inspired
Mel, 28 years old, married for 3 years to my Swedish prince, photographer, traveler, New Yorker. Most importantly a Jehovah Witness.

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