Friday, December 31, 2004
Bye bye 2004
Well, I saw my friend Bev (Bookyeti's Vignettes) do this on her blog and thought it was a good idea. A recap of 2004....
Mel's 2004 recap
January 04- Ronny visited NYC
March 04- Flew to London, drove to Paris. Got engaged to Ronny. =) Drove back to Denmark, to visit his sister then to Sweden.
April 04- Stayed in Sweden all month.
May 04- Flew back home to the US with Ronny.
June & July 04- Worked and planned wedding.
August 04- Went to NC with Ronny for wonderful week with family and friends and wedding shower.
September 04- Got married on the 19th!!! Went on wonderful honeymoon with my new husband. Got evacuated during honeymoon due to hurricane. Stayed at Sam D's house with family for 2 days then flew back home.
October 04- Got seperated from husband by US gov. *groan* Had to unexpectedly arrange to move to Europe sooner than planed.
November 04- Moved to Sweden with Ronny.
December 04- Planning to move to UK and working when I can.
What countries did you visit? This was the best year for traveling. I went to England, France, Denmark, Sweden and drove through but didnt really see Belgium, Germany and the Neths.
What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? Our own place to live, a job in London, stability of any sort, energy and better health.
What were your biggest achievements of the year? Not having a nervous breakdown, depression and maintaining my sanity. Growing and expanding my horizons. Learning patience and more trust in Jehovah.
What was your biggest failure? Mmmm, I wish I had planned out the wedding better. And regardless of how others felt made more of an effect to spend time with them.
Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope, not yet.
Did anyone close to you die? I wasnt that close to her but my great-aunt died last month.
Did you suffer illness or injury? Illness. Im always sick with something or other. I have Epstein's Barr so it makes me tired all the time.
What was the best thing you bought? My wedding dress.
How will you remember 2004? As the year my life changed forever...for better or worse. =)
Bye-bye, 2004......
Thursday, December 30, 2004
I just cannot believe the amount of people who have died from that earthquake near Thailand! It is so unbelievable and terribly sad. Just shows you we are living in the last days....we can see prophecy coming true!!! Here in Sweden, Thailand is a very popular tourist spot so we have lost many, many people here. Sadly, a brother and sister that Ronny's knows from a neighboring cong are missing. All we can do is pray. I am going to find out if they are sending out any supplies from our congregation for our brothers out there. The devastation is just unbelievable. Please keep our brothers in your prayers.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Well, almost another month has come and gone and I haven't posted. Sorry for the laziness. We got internet at home about a week ago but ever since then I have been searching day and night for work/accomodation in London. Never really had to do this before and I have to's HARD. *sigh* Well, soon it will be over and we will be able to settle somewhat. We have a few prospects for housing but nothing concrete. I'm just going to continue trusting in Jehovah. If we need to stay in Sweden for an extra month or two to save up more money before we move, than that is what we will have to do and it won't kill me.
Have a bit of good news. We finally got another car. Jehovah really provided. The last one we had was constantly breaking down in the middle of nowhere (not good) so we weren't able to drive it the 45 min it took to get to the English meetings. We put it in prayer a LOT and finally were able to find a little red 1989 Citroen in MINT condition for about $340!!!! I was in shock. The car was in almost perfect condition. So that was a huge blessing. We went to our first English meeting in 2 months last weekend. We really havent been able to afford the gas to go back but it was a huge boost in our spiritual encouragement. The evening we come home from the English meeting we were able to invite a few of the young ones over from the Swedish congregation to study the WT together. We cooked dinner and had a REALLY nice time. I think it was just as encouraging for us as for them!
Another bit of good news. We have a new baby. No, not what you think.

The couple we are housesitting for as a cat. Almost 3 months ago she had 4 kittens. We have decided to keep a little gray male cat. He is SO adorable! I have named him Brooklyn. He makes me miss home less. He's so affectionate and outgoing. Always playing but stops even for a cuddle. He is super affectionate with Ronny too. I haven't had a cat in so long, its nice to not be home alone anymore when Ronny is at work. (He just crawled into my lap.) Actually I am far from being alone since we still have the other 3 kittens and there mom with us as well. The little ones are tearing up the house!!! I have no way of stopping them. It's like dealing with kids.
Well, guess that is about it for now. Not much else is new. I'll try and keep up with my blog more since we have the internet at home now. Hope you are all well. Love n' miss you!
Monday, December 06, 2004
Sorry for the delay
Hey everyone. Im still here and alive. Sometimes. LOL I never knew what boredom was till I moved here! There are days like Jackie says where Im basically a housewife. Which is odd for me since Im used to working. I cant believe Im saying this but I really miss work! I miss the freedom and meaning it gave me. Now that I cant work its hard. I do go into town at times by myself. Thats cool. Im comfortable enough with my sparse Swedish that I can go to the Library and Internet Cafe and the stores. I am REALLY getting used to life here. It feels pretty much like Im living in America, just in the country. But the people are different here.
We are now in our own place but its only temporary. We will be moving into a couples house on Saturday and housesitting for them for 2 months while they are in Africa. As soon as they come back we are headed for London for 6 months....maybe longer. I hope longer. Its really nice here, beautiful and everything but it will be so much easier for me to live in London. City life (which Im used to) and english. Plus, and I hate to say this but its true and confirmed by many here, Swedes can be a bit conservative. They are nice and friendly but not warm people. They stick to themselves and thats all. So its hard for me to go from being surrounded by so many warm and caring people to here where people basically live their own lives and dont mesh them with any others. I miss having friends. We dont do anything or go anywhere (also due to finances) but even though the English arent exactly outgoing there are so many more people in London. We already have friends there as well which will make it easier. I just REALLY long for freedom. I have to rely on Ronny or someone else to take me into town since the buses here run so infrequently and they are expensive. I cant wait to be in London to take the tube and explore the city on my own if I want to. I will be working too which is great.
But things are good. We are slowing building our life together. Its been really hard, harder than I thought but things are definitely getting better. I do have bouts of homesickness but they are fading and infrequent. Its more like I miss my family and friends. I really miss my parents. I was VERY depressed last weekend because my sister and her husband got baptized together last Saturday and I couldnt be there. I am so very proud of them. Just wish me and Ronny could have been there.
Well, guess that is it for now. Hope you are all well. I miss you all!!! Thanks SO much for your well wishes. It makes me miss home a little less to know we have family and friends EVERYWHERE in the truth. Love you guys to bits!