Hello everyone,
Im am just going to post an email I sent to my friends about the situation. It'll be easier that way. =)
Hello everyone,I wanted to send out an email to let everyone know that I am now in Swedenwith my husband. Let me try and explain what happened really quickly. Wehave had some crazy stuff happening since the wedding starting with gettingevacuated on our honeymoon. That was interesting. lol It wasnt so bad sinceit was just the last day. The rest of the week was great. Then we were homefor a month...getting adjusted to married life when right before Ronny'svisa expired he went to Canada to get restamped into the country. We went tothe immigration office in NYC and they basically told us they would notrenew it but that he could go to Canada and get restamped in. Well it workedgoing into Canada but they wouldnt let him back into the US. To make a longstory short he stayed in Canada for a week before flying out to London onthe same day I did (Nov 3rd) and then we flew out here that night. Webasically had to come out here or him come home alone which I didnt reallywant. So now I need to apply for my Swedish residence permit from London.Being a EU citizen he can basically live anywhere as long as he has work andI can go with him since we are married. So Im going to get my Englishresidence permit and live there (with Ronny) for a few months and apply formy Swedish residence permit from there since I cant apply from here and Idont want to go back to the US for 5 months to apply alone. I really hopeall this makes sense. Trust me, we have been through a LOT the last fewweeks. It was SO hard trying to get adjusted to the fact I had one week left(from when Ronny went to Canada) to leave my home, family and friends. Itwas SO hard saying goodbye to my parents. But I am excited to start my newlife. Things are good here so far. We are looking for work for Ronny at themoment. We will be here for a few months before we both get our residencepermits for England. We know some people in London. We recently met a nicebethelite on tour in London Bethel and also a nice older couple who took usaround. So as long as we rely on Jehovah we will be ok.
Update: Things are still good. It's definitely an adjustment but I think we'll be fine. Still looking for work. At the moment we are looking to buy a card which is desperately needed since we live in the middle of nowhere plus the English meetings are about an hour away and as much as I love the Swedish cong I dont understand at thing so we need to get to the English soon. It has definitely been a matter of prayer so please pray for us too!!!!
Hope you are all well. Miss you guys!!