Thursday, October 28, 2004
It's Jaclyn posting for Melody

Hello Everyone It's me Jaclyn. I just spoke to Melody not to long ago on the phone. She asked if I can post for her to let everyone know where what's been going on. Long Story Short: Ronny went to Canada to renew his Visa but it was declined and they advised him that he has to go back to Sweden and won't allow him back into the States. This went down Sunday I believe. Melody is doing MUCH better from what she told me. She is doing what needs to be done. Ronny is staying with a brother in Canada so that's nice!!!!

So they are both flying out to London on Tues Nov 2nd they arrive 45 mins from eachother, so they will be together then. They will be also flying that same day to there "home" Sweden. She will post more details when she arrives in Sweden.
Thanks for visiting her blog.
Jaclyn ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Great study....
Today is a really beautiful day. I met Ronny for lunch again today and we sat outside eating. I love this time of year. The air is crisp and the leaves are bright, vibrant colors. Its just gorgeous. I wish I had more energy though, I would walk in Central Park on my lunch break. For the past 3 days I havent been able to sleep well and I dont know why. I hope tonight will be different. I dont feel particularly stressed or anything so I dont know what it is. Hmmmph...
Last night book study lesson was really good. I enjoyed it very much. One of the things that really draws me to Jehovah is his justice. I love the fact that they focused on how WE can show justice by preaching the good news but also in not judging our brothers. I made a comment talking about that and also added a quote I remembered from a talk I heard recently. The brother had talked about how African miners will shift for hours everyday through dirt for diamonds. They go through tons of dirt maybe just to find a grain. He asked the question "Do we sift through diamons for dirt or do we sift through dirt for diamonds when it comes to our brothers?" That really stuck in my head and its something I think about often since as humans we tend to be judgemental. Just something I would share with y'all. =)

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I just came back from having a wonderful lunchdate with my husband. We went to McDonald's and played a bit on his laptop. This is the weird thing: There was this really old couple (mid-80's) who were totally arguing with each other at the restaurant. It was horrible! I mean at first it was a bit funny but they were soooo horrible to each other. Especially the man to his wife. He was shouting and creating a big scene. And then after he was done yelling he would look around like he didnt want anyone to notice....well then dont scream at your wife in public pal!! She wasnt any better. Shame.
But I had a great time with my hubby regardless. He can always make me laugh and I totally love that about him. He has an amazing sense of humor. Last night we watched The Wiz (the wizard of Oz but set in NYC with Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow) with my sisters kids last night. That was fun. I love the music in that movie!!! My little niece Kaylin kept getting up and dancing during all the songs. That little girl can seriously shake her butt! Im going to miss them soooo much when we leave...which brings me to another subject. We are looking to leave early-mid December. We are hoping to get an interview with the Swedish Consulate at the end of November and then we can head to Sweden. Ronny is really starting to miss home and so am I. Im itching to have my own home! I miss the kids and Ronny's family too. I cant wait to see my new little nephew either (Ronny's brothers first baby). So we are pretty ready to get going. Plus Im dying to stop by in London on the way home. I miss it so much!
Well, anyways, Im a bit cold so going to finish up my Cafe Latte. Chat later!

PS I took this test:

Thursday, October 07, 2004
Im back..
I know you have all been waiting a while for this.....for me to get off my lazy behind and finally write a new post. Either your collective telepathic waves have finally cause me to do just that or the itchiness in my fingers to start writing again has. I am very happy about my new design and frankly, my new role in life. So here goes:


Now I know that I've only been married for almost *gasp* 3 weeks already but it really is such an amazing experience. Don't get me wrong. It hasnt been champagne and chocolate everyday but I LOVE being Ronny's wife and I love him being my husband. I was telling him yesterday this: Right after the wedding (like the wedding night-this I dont think I told him) I started experiencing anxiety about my life. Basically feeling like "What now??" I think most people go through it. You plan for months for this one day and it goes in the blink of an eye and then BAM! your married and its like "Now what?". But this is the cool thing. Once you gradually get back to reality (that happened for me once we got home from the honeymoon) that fear goes away. At least for me it did. Now all those things that scared me, us living on our own, finding a place, moving across the Atlantic....all these things scared the stuffing out of me and now I find them exciting. Dont get me wrong. I still have anxiety but now I look forward to them more because Ronny and I are building our life together and that is a truly amazing thing.
Of course we have drawn closer. After 3 weeks I can safely say he is an amazing husband. Considerate, kind, gentle and still makes me laugh. He is a good cook too! Im really enjoying my new role as his wife. By the way, he has his own blog now. Check it out amongst the Good reading links.
I know you want to hear about the wedding. It went off soooo well!!!! I had friends do my hair and makeup which I think came out quite nice and the same sister who did my makeup did my flowers but when I have the pics I'll tell you all more about that.
Yeah I think I'll save the wedding details for when I have more pics to post.
So guess that is it for now. I hope you are all well. I have missed you guys. Look forward to hearing from you!!!

The Inspired
Mel, 28 years old, married for 3 years to my Swedish prince, photographer, traveler, New Yorker. Most importantly a Jehovah Witness.

|Aria Images (my craft blog)| |Our Sweet Dollies| |Jaclyn's Site| |Michelle's Mind| |Lost & Found| |The Empress in Exile| |Bookyeti's Vignettes| |DeClass-A-Fied| |Hopelessly Flawed| |Brown Eyed Girl| |Dog Whisperer| |Ali's Journal| |Just Another Girl| |SpongeBobPal|



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