Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I cant believe it!!! 3 DAYS!!!!!
Wow, I wasnt really expecting to write today but when I entered my blog and saw the countdown day as 3 days my heart totally stopped! Its weird cause Im really excited but at the same time I think the nerves are slowly setting in. I keep thinking "Only 3 more nights alone, only 3 days as Melody Mullins." And although those thoughts are exciting they are scaring the willies out of me too!!!

For the past 2 days everyone has said "Are you getting nervous yet?" and I've been saying "No, not at all. Just tired." So maybe now its starting to hit me. I think I'll just focus on Ronny, how much I love him and want to be with him.....and nothing else.

Cause if I start to go into...."Yeah, Im leaving home....and moving to the other side of the world." stomach starts to twist. It's that little 5 year old in me that wants my mommy. Ya know? I think I'll be ok. I think this is normal. *sigh* Please guys tell me this is normal.
Anyways, a bit more of a update...Yesterday I did a lot. Got the cake completely ordered (its going to be amazing!), got majority of the favors (have to pick up more) and got majority of centerpieces. Today Im going for a wax, picking up the rings, getting Ronny's contacts, my shoes and to pick up my best friend and her hubby from the airport. Yeah busy, busy, busy. Last night we had our new CO. Cant remember his name (horrible, isnt it?) but as tired as I was (kept falling asleep) his talk was fantastic and I really like him.
Anyways, that is about it. Talk to y'all later!!!!!
Monday, September 13, 2004
Showering me with love....
Well I have a bit of time to write down my NY bridal shower. Wow, was it soooo nice!!!!

I had the wonderful opportunity for Jackie and her hubby Matt and Mich (and her cute belly) and her hubby Daniel to come to my shower in Queens. It wasnt a surprise since due to the fact that I had to continuously go to Philly every weekend they canceled it so many times they basically had to tell me when they were going to have it. So I wasnt surprised but then again I was! It was BEAUTIFUL. They decorated the whole thing in purple and white in a sisters backyard who I am good friends with. They had lanterns strung and a big umbrella with lights underneath it. They had balloons and candles. It was soooo classy and elegant. The sisters house is was (Aida) made us a beautiful pre-wedding cake with 2 sets of groom and bride. It was wonderful! We got some really nice things as gifts including very nice night gear from Mich and Jackie (thanks guys, love you sooooooooo much!

). Believe it or not when a speech was called for by me and Ronny I totally starting crying. I couldn't help it! It made me feel better though when I saw almost every single one of my girl friends start choking up too!!!! I love my friends so much. I don't think it really hit me till that moment how much they all mean to me and how much I'm going to miss them. The things they wrote in the cards where so heartfelt and warm. I love them all!
Oh I SO have to tell you all about this. The WEIRDEST thing happened right before we were going to eat. Aida lit some purple candles and out of no where a SWARM (no joke they were coming from everywhere-you could see the distant sky FULL of them) these HUGE dragonflies came out of nowhere!!!! It was the strangest thing Ive ever seen. I know the candles must have attracted them but where the heck did they come from? In our yard alone there were like 50!!! It was very weird but we got to eat anyways with no mishaps. The food was yummy. Then we opened the gifts, said our speech. Then a brother (same one who is DJ'ing the wedding) came to DJ the party and we danced under the strung lanterns. It was a blast!!!!! I wont ever forget that night. It was just a taste of what is to come! I cant wait for Saturday. Getting sooo excited about it. My friends are all getting dressed up and its going to be cool to see them all looking good for me.
Anyways, thats about it for now. Im totally exhausted. Just got back from another trip to Philly. Turned out that the jacket didnt fit so I drove back to Philly Saturday night with Sam. Oh yeah! She got the coolest gift for me......Still by JLo. Her newest perfume. Smells SOOOOOO good!!!!!!! And a Barry White cd.

Alisa gave us a really cool gift too. Monogrammed towels with "k" on them. They are soooo soft. We got so many nice things. We have such wonderful friends.
Well, my brain is fried. I have not gone to bed earlier than 3 for about 5 nights with the except of 2 nights where I went to bed at 2:00 and 1:00 respectively. So I sit here in my pj's waiting for Ronny to get back from the store with my White Cheddar Popcorn so I can eat some and take a nap. Dont know if I'll write again before the wedding but if not......I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANKS FOR ALL YOUR LOVE AND HELP!
Monday, September 06, 2004
Im still alive...
Hey all! Yes I'm still alive...I think. Things are running smoothly...mostly. To be totally and completely honest I cannot wait until the whole thing is over. To stress and go nuts for one day is soooo.....not me. But here I am....stressing and going nuts. I tell everyone..yes I will be happy and yes I will have fun but the second I walk out the door of the reception hall I am going to breathe a big huge breath of relief that it is over. I look forward SO much to just starting my life. I dont care about lace, or what flowers to use or what the centerpieces should look like. I just want to be married to Ronny and him married to me. I do love my wedding dress however. I am still a female. God its gorgeous. Far more than I thought it would be due to the amazing talents of Sis. Taylor (no pun intended). She has done wonders with the material and has made it into something that looks like a renaissance painting. I love it. I can't wait to show you all pictures. I truly DO feel like a princess. I can't wait for Ronny to see me in it. I hope I don't pass out first being that the girdle I have to wear with it cuts off all circulation but does give me a fresh rosy glow that goes quite well with my dress.
Now on to more serious is a bit of advice to all single sisters out there who are entertaining the thought of marriage......ELOPE. Please......ELOPE. But only do so if you are like me and have never given a thought to what your wedding day should be like. Then have a slamming afterparty. I'll throw you one in Sweden. Trust me on this.
Anyways, sorry for the craziness. Im tired. I'll be back to normal soon. I hope. Love and miss you all. Ciao! Mel