I know, I know....
Ok, I have been soooo negligent with this blog but honestly I haven't had one spare moment until right now and even now I'm super busy! At the moment I'm working at the NY Post (not Estee Lauder like normal-my assignment ended) and I'm so busy. I am working with the promotions department calling people who have won sweepstakes to let them know they have won. At first it was fun, now it's a bit tiring but being so busy is cool. My day goes by so fast! So I guess you all want a recap of what has been going on:
The District Convention: The convention was so completely wonderful! It was amazing having Ronny with me to share in it. The drama was so fantastic. However I have some very sad news. While Ronny and I were walking around on the last day we pasted one of the gates (the convention is at a hockey stadium) and we saw a bunch of brothers running towards us. As we watched them the doors slammed open to our left and a brother carrying a small boy in his arms ran out. The little boy was bleeding from his mouth. We found out that he had fallen off the balcony (about 7 feet) onto the concrete floor. As you can imagine we were all very worried. I just found out on Sunday that the little boy died. He was 3. So as you can imagine that kind of overshadowed the convention. I feel so badly for his parents. This is definitely not something you would even fathom something like that happening to your child must least at the CONVENTION. I felt so sick when I found out cause we saw them take him away. It was so weird but we had a LOT of strange occurances at our convention. Another brother had a seizure during the drama and had to be taken away by ambulence and then an older sister fell outside and hurt herself. It was weird. Anyways, dont want to dwell on the bad.
Not that it seems to be so good now but we as far as the wedding goes things are going really well. We got the bridesmaids dresses. They arent the color I wanted but a color just as pretty. Its called Desert Coral. Like a pinkish peach. Very fem.

That is my sisters dress. For this color I think I'm going to use Calla Lillies

wrapped with an ivory ribbon and they hold is more across their arms instead of in front of them since its a long stem. I'm quite happy with the color. And the dresses look so nice!
We went yesterday for a cake tasting. We are thinking of ordering it from Ferrara Cafe, a very famous Italian cafe in NYC. They have the best canoli's!!!! The cake we both like is this one:

We will use fire and ice roses instead and the whole thing will be ivory with white trimming. The inside is rum sponge cake with two fillings...chocolate (imported from Italy) and canoli!!! Its soooo good! I hope we get it!
Hmm, what else? Oh yes I confirmed with the brother who will give us our vows. I'm getting the majority of the invites out. So things are running smoothly. Next week we head to NC. I cant wait!!!!!!! Anyways, have to run. Talk to you guys later and thanks for checking up on me. Love you all!!!!!
To be perfectly honest...
I feel pretty darn crappy today. I had a HORRIBLE weekend. Don't want to go into it. Just one of the most stressful I have had in a long time. I just feel the intense urge to sleep so I think that is what I'm going to do tonight. I have the convention this weekend and I really don't want to go feeling the way I do so tonight I'm off to bed early. I dont have work tomorrow or Thursday so I guess I'll be seeing you guys next week sometime. Hope you are all well and sorry I don't have better news to report.
Oh yes I do have one thing to say! My friend Rodney agreed to be in the wedding party. Ronny's friends wont be able to make it so he is choosing my friends from here. He really likes Rodney and he's always been very, very nice to him which means a lot to Ronny so its all cool. Rodney is so excited and so are we so that is good news.
Talk later. Love you guys!