Friday, July 30, 2004
Roses are red....
Well, my doctor's visit was okay. I was a tad nervous beforehand (ok I was REALLY nervous

) but it ended up being ok. The doctor was really nice, had been in the practice for eons (she helped deliever my brother who is 35!!) and had such a personable disposition. It definitely helped. When I met her I went to shake her hand but she reached out to hug me.

That made me relax right away. The whole thing was pretty typical and she explained what she was doing with each step. It went so fast!!!! At the end she gave me a 3-month supply for free since I have no insurance which I thought was REALLy sweet since they are about $30 a piece!!! I have to start taking them next month. I got Ortho Tri Cyclen-Lo. I heard good things about it so we'll see how it goes.
Btw, my swedie (hehe) actually bought me a dozen beautiful red roses when he picked me up from work!!! He said he was hoping to make me feel better about my visit.

I thought that was so sweet and they are the reddest roses I have ever seen!!!! They are gorgeous. He also made me dinner when we got home cause I was so out of it before the visit. I have such a wonderful future-mate. Im so excited about him becoming my husband!
Also my cousin and my friend, Christy have bought our tickets for NC! We are leaving on August 25th at 7:30 and returning on the 30th. 5 days of fun, partying and the beach!!! WooHoo!!!

I think they are both so amazing for doing this for us. I'll give you all the details as they come and of course post pics later on. I'm so excited to be going and introducing Ronny to my family (mom's side and dad's lives there) and my friends. And the BEACH!!!! Woohoo!!
From the R.A.T files...
*hehe* Got this from Bev and thought it was cute.
RULES: I want
EVERYONE, no exceptions, who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this, allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
This is basically for those "Monty Python" fans out there.....Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Let the craziness commence.

My tooth hurts really bad! I have this back molar I really need to get extracted. It's annoying the mess out of me. Ugh, well maybe once I'm in Sweden and that stuff is free.
Ok, enough with that. On to my Philly weekend and....
The Quest for the Wedding Dress Material!!! Sorry about that. I'm a bit goofy today if you can't tell.
Well anyways, Ronny ended up missing his train to Canada (he went to get his passport re-stamped thus renewing his tourist visa) on Saturday. He literally watched as it chugged away.

Good thing that Amtrak let us change his ticket for Sunday morning for only $20 extra. Anyways that same day I left for Philly. So Ronny waited with me till my train left. He took me downstairs to the platform and stood by my window and just looked at me while I sat there till the train went off. I was sooooo sad! I was so close to crying cause we hadn't been apart for 4 months.

I just really wanted him to leave already and get our goodbye over with but I don't think he realized that. Well, I made my way to Philly (*read Michael Crichton's "Prey"-finished it on the way home...very good book!!!*) and Sam picked me up. We went shopping a bit for her and to her eye doctor to get her new contacts. Then we went to her mom's shop (she works at like the most infamous bridal shop in Philly- Suky *the late owner* was Vera Wang's first customer!!!) and then we all went fabric shopping. By the time we got to South St we had literally 5 min to search for the perfect fabric!!!! I'm truly glad that I am not a picky person! The first place we went to I skimmed my eyes over all the different kinds of lace but didnt like the colros. The second store I looked and was about to give up when this lady pulls out the most gorgeous lace I have ever seen!!! It was made from what is called English netting and has lace in just certain spots and then towards the bottom has a vine effect going down with daisies. Inside the flowers is a color called Rome pink but it looks more like a champagne. When I saw it and then they laid out the Ivory Satin to go underneath I got so choked up. It was like "This is it, this is my wedding dress." It was perfect.

We are going to add little jet beads in champagne color to the dress. I picked up the pattern (its actually a mix of two designs) and the pattern for my boledo jacket. Don't know if I spelled that right. Its going to be shear. For those of you who won't get to see my dress you know I'll be posting up pics! I can't wait to have it all done. Ronny's tux will match me perfectly AS will my little niece Kaylins dress! Her dress has the SAME color sash and buttons as the Rome pink. Its so cool.
The rest of the weekend was good. I had such a BLAST with Samantha and her mom. We laughed so much and I can say that although I missed Ronny something fierce it was really nice to be with my friends and I think we needed that bit of time apart. I told Sam that no matter what, even if you get married you still need your girlfriends and this trip really showed me that.
I picked Ronny up from Penn Station on Tuesday night. His train came in an hour and 10 min late so we got home super late. I didn't go to work yesterday like the slacker I am but it was nice to stay home with Ronny and my mom and some friends watching My Fair Lady.

I guess that is about it for the trip. Oh yes! When I did see Ronny on Tuesday it was like I hadn't seen him in a year! I could tell he felt the same way. It was cool cause I got a bit of that nervous feeling just like the first time we met. I "fell in love" all over again. He said he felt the same way.
Well, tonight is my first GYN visit. I'm a tad nervous but not too bad. I know it'll be fine. Anyways, talk to you guys later! Love you all!
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Just for now...
I promise I WILL post a real entry about my weekend in Philly but at the moment I'm a bit out of it and don't really want to get into the details so for now....
Worst movie you've ever seen? The Truth About Charley (new version)
Name one actor that you despise so much that you can't watch anything with them in it. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Pamela Anderson
What's one of your guilty pleasures? Starbucks Java Chip frappucino...ahhhhh.
What's one of your vices? Taking out more books from the library when I have 5 sitting at home that I need to go through first.
How long have you been on livejournal? Im not on LiveJournal but have kept a blog since 2002 I believe.
What was your favorite subject in elementary school? English Lit
What's worse: being in a socially awkward situation that lasts for several hours, or vomiting up something that disagreed with your stomach? I HATE throwing up! The awkward situation I can deal with. It's like one of my superpowers or something.
Do you like the rain? Usually yes unless Im caught outside wearing flipflops and no umbrella (Friday).
Does your mouse have the little scrolly button? Yep
When was the last time you were REALLY mad? Really Mad? um dont remember. A few weeks ago I guess.
When you were little, did you pick your nose and eat it? Uh, no.
Do you sleep with socks on? If its cold outside.
Do you believe in ghosts? nope
What do you usually drink with dinner? Usually water or if I'm with Ronny sometimes Coke but totally getting out of the habit again.
Are you listening to music right now? No but wish I was.
If so, what are you listening to?
What city and state were you born in? Brooklyn, NY (represent! =p )
What song makes you cringe? That retarded song by Los Ketchup
What food do you absolutely despise? Pigs feet ----dont ask. And beets.
What food is really bad for you, but you can't resist? Everything. Mainly bread and pasta.
What's your favorite animal? (not a pet animal, but one that lives in the wild) Penguin
Do you usually remember your dreams? On occasion but not all the time.
Do you like Woody Allen movies? Never saw one before.
Do you usually order drinks at a restaurant? If I can afford it, yes.
What's your favorite breakfast food? Harvest Grain pancakes at IHOP.
Do you get grossed out easily by disgusting stories? Not really. Only if it has to do with like bones breaking and stuff. ewwww.
Have you ever been in the hospital? Not overnight but in the ER yes. Tore the ligaments in my ankle as a kid.
Ketchup or catsup? Ketchup
Do you say "waiting IN line" or "waiting ON line"? both.
How do you pronounce orange: ORE-inge or ARE-inge? mmmm whatever will get me one.
Thin crust pizza or thick crust pizza? thin
Who's the most obnoxious celebrity out there right now? That guy who played Annikin in Star Wars. I know most women would kill me for the comment but I cant stand him.
Have you ever been on psychiatric medication? no
Did you like high school? I liked learning, couldnt stand the kids though. I went to a rough HS.
Are you in a relationship right now? indeed...a life-time one
Do you have pets? If so, what kind? My fish died on Saturday =(
Use one word to describe President Bush. Monkey (I think he looks like a monkey)
If you had a time machine, where would you go? To NYC in the 40's.
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Go to Bethel and prank on all my guy friends.
Name a band that you think is extremely overrated. The Strokes.
Name a CD that most people would be surprised to know you own. I don't think people are surprised to see my CD collection cause they know how I am but probably Kid Rock's Devil Without a Cause. It was a momentary lapse in judgement.
Did you write angsty poetry when you were younger? Totally. Still do at times.
Do you like driving? Dont really do it often but yes. I like being driven more.
Have you ever met anyone off the internet? A bunch.
Do you like the cold weather? love it
Do you have a good relationship with your immediate family? I think so.
What's the perfect temperature for you? 65 degrees farenheit
If you won a huge jackpot in the lotto, would you still continue to work? I think I would but do something more creative like pursue my writing career.
Name one quality about yourself that you love. Loyal
Do you wear perfume/cologne? yes, perfume
Are you easily amused? Yes and quite often. Its great.
Who is your favorite Simpsons character? I dont really watch it often but I would say Homer.
Do Muppets frighten you? Nope I love them! Especially the Swedish chief. ;)
Do you have any allergies? Tequila (oh lord why?!?)
Are you moody? sometimes
How long ago did you start using the internet? 1996
Do you still listen to cassette tapes? Yep, I love them.
Friday, July 23, 2004
Ok, where to start?!? Well, I guess Wed night would be good.
I had posted an ad in Craigs List for window washing and Ronny and I went to a job on Wednesday night. Man the guys windows were DIRTY. But Ronny did a really good job (and so did I as his helper

) and the guy paid us extra and said he would refer us to his friends! AND I got my first calligraphy job. (I also posted an ad for it online). I picked up the 30 invitations to do and I'll be getting $50. Not too shabby. I'm excited cause I'm using the money to buy the material for my wedding dress. I'm heading to Philly this weekend to do that. Can't wait!
Yesterday was my day off. It was good. First of all my friend Christy calls to talk to me (from Wilmington, NC, I used to live there for a year and a half and my dad's family and mom's lives down there) and tells me she isnt going to be able to make the wedding since we moved it up. She did say however that she wants to fly me down for a weekend in August and how she talked to my cousin and my cousin (who cant make the wedding either) wants to fly Ronny down! They want to throw a shower for us. I was speechless. Such generosity! I'm just so excited! I could really use a break. I've been really out of it the last few weeks. It's almost like my brain just can't handle it all. I forget a lot which is scary. But she said its all about us relaxing and having a good time. They want to do it cause we (Ronny and I) probably won't be going NC that often once we move and most of the people down there (even my family) can't make the wedding so they want to have something for us. I think that is SOOO awesome!!!

Anyways, so I told Ronny and as you can imagine he was excited as well. We'll get to finally go to the beach! Woohoo! Well, back to yesterday. After I left the house I met up with my friend, Nichole, who was in Virginia for a week so we got to see each other again. She went with me to go get my check cashed and then we went shopping a little bit. Bought some new shoes. hehe And then we met up with Ronny. It was a nice day. Best part was waking up late. Ahhh, I needed that!
This weekend Ronny goes to Canada and I go to Philly. We'll be apart for 3 days but we havent been apart for 1 day in 4 months!!! It'll be weird but I'm not worried. It'll be good for the both of us although I have no desire to leave him!
Well, I have to go but I'll add to this later.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Brain is going, going, gone...
Ugh, I think I totally burned out some brain cells today. I got my registy up and running due to a few people already asking me. I feel soooo weird creating one. Like one big brat saying we want this and this. I tried to keep everything as cheap as possible. LOL Anyways, Im done for the day. You can check out my registry
here or up on the links above. Love you guys!!!! MWAH!
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Sorry for the laziness.
Hey guys, so sorry for my lazy in not writing. My brain has been completely fried trying to get so many things done now that everything has been moved up. Weird cause my brain is sizzling with all this extra info but my fingers are frozen from this insanely cold office!
Since everone seems to be a bit confused about the details of the wedding I'll clear it up here:
We are getting married on Sept 19th, 2004 which is on a Sunday. We are not getting married upstate but in the city. Not sure what time or exactly where since being a Sunday it might be hard for us to find a KH nearby. We'll see. I'll let you all know. After the honeymoon we will probably come back for a few days (to get my name changed) and then we are leaving for Sweden. That is where the apartment I was talking about is. Guess that is it. If you have any questions, let me know.
The weekend: Friday was wonderful. We went swing dancing at Lincoln Center and met up with a few friends. It was fun teaching Ronny how to swing and I have to say he did really good!!!! After about a 15 min lesson he was doing the basic Lindsey Hop. I was proud of him.

The coolest thing was that there were a TON of witnesses and we met a lot of new people. I have to tell you this experience: Ronny was about to introduce me to this sister (I had my back turned) and I turn around and she says "Nice to meet you." Then suddenly both her and my eyes pop out of our heads with recognition. It was a sister I havent seen in 2 years and lost contact with!!! We screamed like banshees and hugged till neither one of us could breathe. To say the least it was really nice to see her.
Saturday we went to do some wedding stuff. We picked out Ronny's tux!!!! Its sooo nice. Its black with tails and an ivory vest and tie. He's going to look soooo handsome! I cant wait to see him in it.

I finally tried on a few wedding gowns (to get an idea of what I want). That was the first time I ever tried on any. They weigh a TON! But it was fun anyways. We picked out new less expensive invitations and will be ordering them soon. So that is going well.
OMG!!!!! IM SO EXCITED!!!! I just got some AWESOME news. I called my friend at Bethel to find out about how I could find a KH that is available that day and she said to find out what congs have an assembly that day. So I call the assembly hall and they tell me circuit 38a. I call Bethel and they give me the names of the congregations in that circuit and one of them is the Spanish in MY KH!!!!!! I was so happy I almost cried. I'll probably get to be married in MY KH!!!! I hope you understand that. The Bleecker Spanish has a time slot on the Sunday of my wedding that I can probably use. Just have to ask their elders. Oh God Im so happy!

Anyways, where was I? Oh yes so that was Saturday. Sunday was cool. Just went to the meeting and chilled at home afterward. Last night was awesome! We went to see the NY Philharmonic (classical music) in Central Park last night for free. We layed out a blanket and listened to the beautiful music under the stars. Couldnt be more romantic.
Have some more good news: I found out that JCPenny and Bed Bath and Beyond ship gifts internationally! I have been stressing about that for a while cause most places dont. See, my mom is telling people to give us money cause we cant afford to ship everything over ourselves but I know if we get nothing but cash we will spend it before we buy things we need for the house. So its going to be a bit different but the registry will work for those stores. You can go online, pick what you want to get but have to call the international number and give them the Sweden address (his moms) to send it to. I havent set it up yet but when I do I'll let everyone know. I was really worried that I wouldnt be able to even get any lingerie since ALL my money is going to wedding stuff. So now I think I can safely pick a few things.
Anyways, that is it for now. Love you guys!
Monday, July 19, 2004
For now...
Friday, July 16, 2004
Pretty Darn Official
Well, I think that is about it. Sounds like the date is Sept. 19th. My mom went ahead and put a deposit on the catering hall. All we have to do is make sure we can have the wedding in our KH which will be hard since its on a Sunday. We'll see what happens. Im outta here people! Meeting up with Ronny. Have a great weekend! I love you all. Your the best friends. =)
Getting closer?
I just realized that Blogger added more options for composing, nice!
Ok, I'm just going to cut and paste what I already wrote to a few people:
Ronny told me yesterday that a brother in our cong who lives down the road from us is moving and his house will be up for rent!!!!
Now you have to understand I have been "coveting" this cute little house since I saw it. Of course Im not happy to see a friend move but oh my Im sooo happy cause Ronny called the landlord and he said we can have it! AND it will come out to about $100 less a month than we were paying before. It is really small but a house with no one living above or below (like at the old one) which I totally LOVE and it has a very nice bit of property around it. He is calling today to try and confirm it a bit more. He wanted to talk to me about it first so its looking good!!!!
Another good thing, last night I went with my mom and Ronny to this catering hall right near my house (we had totally forgotten about it) and they offered us an AMAZING deal for August 28th. Now we know that is 7 weeks away and thus really close so today my mom and dad were going back to see if we could get Sept 18th. Its closer but still far enough to get everything we want done. Yesterday was the first time in a LONG time that me and Ronny were actually excited about the wedding.
I am so excited again! I called my 2 best friends and they will both still make it and one will be in my wedding still. Everything will still go as planned, just less people. We called Ronny's parents to see how they felt about it and they said they probably werent going to be able to make Nov 6th (and we made it Nov to give them more time to save up) so there is really no reason to wait till Nov. I hope all this makes sense. I'll keep you posted on what happens and if we officially change the wedding day.
Another thing that was worrying me to death...obtaining my visa. Ronny is a Danish citizen with permanent residence in Swedish so the rules for me obtaining a visa dont completely apply. I found an AWESOME website online for people who are American living/moving to Sweden and I asked in a forum what I should do about my visa. I had heard this before but a lady on there told me we could just get one once we are back in Sweden. I was SOOO happy to hear that! That will be perfect. I was really stressing about that but I think that will work out. Going to totally confirm first of course with Immigration in Sweden.
So it seems like (at the moment) everything is working out. I'll probably post again in the afternoon. TTFN.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Another possible change?
Well, I had a long time with my mom and Ronny last night. We are considering moving the wedding to next month. I know that will be a huge change and will effect a lot of things including people attending the wedding but we have a lot of reasons why. Mainly: I have lost ALL joy for this wedding through the stress that has been piling up. I think losing the apartment was the needle on the haystack. Also, our fiances are a huge burden, if we do get married in Nov we have nowhere to live. If we get married next month we will still have his apartment till Nov 1st and can look for a place in the meanwhile (that is if his sister hasn't already moved in). We are going through SO much and I just want to be with him. I'm totally uncomfortable with the situation the way it is. Waiting for a day in November just so we can have a few extra perks to the wedding. Its so hard to find a place for him to stay and thats beyond stressful believe it or not. Last night he had to stay at a hostel and even though they arent too bad, sleeping in the same room with a bunch of worldly will have its drawbacks. Thank goodness today my aunt said he can rent out a room at her house. I'm happy about that. Anyways, back to the wedding. Ronny came to pick me up for lunch today and we were talking about it. It's not definite but it's something we are both liking the idea of. For the first time in 2 months Im starting to feel excited about my wedding again and that feels really good. I don't know what is going to happen but I'll keep you guys posted. Thats it for now. Love you all!
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
So bored
Ugh, just totally and completely bored today.

Nothing going on. I doubt I'm going to see Ronny today since he is working late and then going to move his stuff to a brothers house he is staying with. I wish I could see him but at the same time it might be good to spend a night apart. Just to "miss" each other. We'll see how I feel tonight!
Jackie has informed me that Matt got some of the engagement pics developed so hopefully I'll be able to post some up soon. So excited to see them!
Mmmm, guess that is about it. Today I about LIVED on Craigs List. Racking my brain to find ways to make extra money.

I think I wrote this in the last post but I put up an ad for calligraphy. If any of you guys need an event done, I do know calligraphy...hint, hint. I need some extra cash!

Any ideas would gladly be received as well.
Guess that is it for now. Ciao!
PS This is a wickedly addictive game. Try it! I got up to level 14.
Fruit Smash.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Some good news and bad...
*whew* This weekend was crazy! But very, very fun! I wasn't at work yesterday so I'll just have to fill you in on it today. So sit back and relax cause this may take a while.
Friday night worked out so well. Ronny was really surprised with the tickets and really pleased.

He met me at work. Was doing street work up to my job which was really cool. That boy is brave to be doing street work in such a ritzy area! But he had some success. A few people took the magazines. Anyways, we went to the movie and it was really good!! I would totally recommend it to anyone. I thought it was great.
Saturday we went out to Long Island to spend the day at Jackie and Matt's congregation picnic. That was so much fun! We took the LIR train to Seaford where Jackie and Matt picked us up and then we went to Bethpage State Park. Spent the day eating burgers and hotdogs, playing volleyball and then afterwards went to Jackie's mom's house and went swimming in her pool. Its such a shame but I havent gone swimmnig in like 2 years!!!

But that was so fun! We had a great time with Jackie and Matt.
Sunday we went to the meeting and Jackie and Matt met us in Queens and went to our meeting with us. Afterwards we all drove into the city and went to Central Park so Matt could take some engagement pics of us. (I'll post some of them as soon as I get them). It was fun but I'm so not used to posing for pics and felt a bit weird. But after a while we were more natural and just goofed off and had fun. It was a nice day all in all. One really cool thing was that on the way back to the car I was craving chocolate and told Ronny. He ran to a deli down the street. After a while I was wondering what was taking him so long when suddenly he came out carrying this beautiful bouquet of flowers with about 6 different bars of chocolate wrapped around it.

To say the least I was very pleasantly surprised.
Things between us are getting better and better. I think despite the hardships we are growing closer and learning to help each other out when the other is stressed. Yesterday he called me from work and I went to pick him up. He was so happy to see me and that made me feel really good. I'm so very happy that soon he will be my mate for life. I already feel that he is....ok, guess its time to give the bad news:
Bad News:Ronny's sister has decided to buy the house that we are living in from his brother. Unfortunately she has decided to move into it and has given us till Nov 1st to find a new place. Now as you can imagine at first I was totally overwhelmed and stressed about this. I am still concerned but feeling better. I know together we will find a home and we'll continue to pray about it. Its a bit rough right now with so many things to work out but we'll be ok. I know with him by my side and of course Jehovah we can do anything we put our minds to.
Good News:Finances have been tight but I found a new way to overcome that.
Craigs List!!! It is like a dream come true. It posts all kinds of things like jobs and apartments. Anyways, last Friday I posted an ad for Pro Window Washing which me and Ronny do in Sweden. Ronny brought his equipment with him. I got 3 jobs lined up already!!!! Im so excited about it! And 2 of the 3 asked if we offer any other services so we might have some cleaning work as well. SOOOO happy about that. ALSO, I put an ad up for a calligraphy. I took some classes in school and did a friends wedding. I posted that Im a amateur looking to make some extra money and a lady responded back right away so hopefully that will turn out some people as well. I know if we put our resources together we will be fine. I just cant be afraid of trying new things.
So that is about it. Im meeting Ronny after work today. Can't wait.

You know what? Despite whatever we have gone through, to be with him, it's all been worth it. I know things will never be easy, there will always be bumps in the road but I'm not afraid. I look forward to sharing everything with him, being with him, loving him. I couldn't ask for a better friend. He is so supportive of me. So tender and kind and can always make me laugh. I love you so much, Ronny. I can't wait to be your wife.
Ciao, guys!
Friday, July 09, 2004
Today is pretty good...
I feel pretty good today. I hope that lasts for the rest of the weekend.....dag I can be pessimistic! LOL I always have such a hard time just enjoying happiness because I'm so afraid any second some crazy happening is going to swallow it back up. *sigh* I think I need to see a shrink.
But as I was saying, today seems good. It's positively gorgeous outside. Breezy, with blue skies and white puffy clouds. NO HUMIDITY which is the best part of all. I went to buy the tickets for King Arthur on my lunch break. SOOOO excited about presenting them to Ronny at the end of the day. I can't wait to see the look on his face. He totally thinks I don't want to see it and that I forgot that he does! *evil giggle*

After the movie we are supposed to meet up with a few friends at the South St. Seaport for free salsa! It's going to be a perfect night for it but we might get out of the movie too late. Hope we can make it. Tomorrow we go to our friends, Matt and Jackie to a congregation picnic. So excited about that!!! I havent been out there before so it will be fun. Then on Sunday they come out here, go to our meeting and then we head out to the city so Matt can take our engagement pics. That Im REALLY excited about. Only sucky thing is this: I riped a contact lense last night. So I have to wear my glasses but I can always take them off for the pictures. Maybe I can just wear my one good contact and an eye patch over the other eye.

Um, nah.
Wow, I'm in a goofy/good/silly mood today. One of the porters who works here just gave me a brand new Estee Lauder makeup bag in cerulean blue (yes cerulean, its a color) full of M.A.C. makeup products!!!!! I have never used them before since they are so expensive. And I'm thinking about leaving this place?!?!?
But as much as I love working here the pay is ok but I dont get enough hours. I get about on average 30 a week when I need 40. So, being that I have a wedding coming up and I cant walk down aisle in nothing but M.A.C. makeup, I need to look for something else.
Anyways, I better be going but I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday. Agape!
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Melting Away....
Man it is so hot outside! I just came back from lunch and I literally felt like I was just going to melt into one big puerto rican/irish puddle!!! I love walking into this huge, air conditioned building. ahhhhh, nothing better. Hey, I have to enjoy the simple things! lol
I came upstairs to my floor to find Ronny here talking with the brother he is living with. He had to make an extra set of keys and he was dropping off the original. So that was cool. Got a quick kiss and hug. That tends to help the day go by better.

Other than that nothing else is new. Looking forward to the meeting tonight. Keep thinking its Wednesday so its nice when I remember tomorrow is Friday. I'm surprising Ronny with tickets to see King Arthur tomorrow night and then after we are going salsa dancing at Pier 17. Its outdoors and free so it'll be fun. A few of my friends will be there. Im looking forward to surprising him.
Things are at a standstill with my parents. We arent talking a whole lot at the moment. Havent even seen my dad in like 3 days but thats kinda normal with our work schedules. Things arent hostile, just blah I guess. But what can I do? They dont like us being there all the time (I still dont get that) so we spend most of our time outdoors or at a friends. I don't want to give my parents any other reasons for "grief" if you know what I mean. Anyways, hopefully with space things will get better.
Im super sleepy. Going to read a bit, talk to you guys later!
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Brand New Look
Hey guys,
I finally got a new look to my blog. The other one was getting a tad too pink for me.

I'm getting much better at this HTML stuff. Didn't take me but an hour and a half to revert to this new layout.
Anyways, I just got a call from Ronny. He is meeting me for lunch which I'm really happy about. Last night after work we went to Central Park and sat there for about an hour and a half. It was a really beautiful day. We didn't really talk, just sat there and watched people go by. I was in a really weird mood. Then we came home, he left for where he stays at and I went to bed at about 9:30 which I needed very badly. I do feel better this morning. Anyway, not much else is new so I guess I'll leave it at that for now. Talk to you guys later.
P.S. Thanks Jackie and Mich for your advice. This is one of the most frustrating times of my life. Just think, less than 4 months to go!
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
stressed yet again....
Hey guys, sorry to be once again stressed but I have absolutely no brain power to write anything semi-coherent in this. So I did this little personality test that Bev (Random Access Thoughts) showed me.
Some of this is me and some of it isnt.
You are an
SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower.
(I am not a follower though. By any means) This makes you an evil genius. You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks.
(ME)With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting.
(I hope I dont do that!)
Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world.
(This is semi true) You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable.
You are not to be messed with. You may explode.
(ABSOLUTELY!!) I AM puerto rican/irish afterall.
You can take this test
Ok, maybe I'll write a quick overview....Friday was the nicest day. Me and Ronny went to Chinatown and walked around looking at things we want to use in our bedroom since we are going to have an Asian theme to it. That was really fun. We went to see Spiderman 2 after that which was ok but I was a tad disappointed in it. I guess I was sooo hyped up to see it, it just wasn't as good as I hoped for but it was still good nonetheless. Saturday we had service and then vegged at my house with a friend and then Sunday the meeting and then vegged at my friends house. It was a hot weekend. Yesterday I tore up my room and cleaned it out (It needed it!) and got into another discussion with my parents with the end result of them accusing me of showing no respect and me leaving the room. I couldn't believe they said that considering all I do is care about their feelings and Ronnys until I feel like I'm being torn completely in two and am suffering mentally, emotionally and now physically. I feel totally drained and exhausted ALL the time and I no longer feel like any of this is about me and my happiness but its me juggling everyone else's feelings. I can't tell you how drained I feel. Its crazy. Ronny said today he has never seen me like this. After getting into that discussion with my parents I went into my room and cried but also started laughing at the same time and couldnt stop. They tell me that they are worried about me moving to another country with no support system but what I try to tell them is what about my "support" system here??? No stranger could hurt me the way they do and they are hurting me. They have these insanely strict ideas on how things should be done cause "It doesnt look good" to do things any other way. I'm tired to death of all that. They literally treat me like a child. My dad still says "You never asked my permission for this or that." And Im talking about SMALL things like Ronny leaving his bag in my room. Why am I doing all this? For people who love me but dont know a thing about me or why I do things??? Im sorry to vent on here but I cant hold it inside anymore. I feel like Im going to crack.
One really really cool thing. A sister I met online, Torri, sent me the 30-minute meal cookbook from my amazon wedding registry. I got it on Saturday. It was TOTALLY unexpected and beyond kind and sweet and since I dont have her email address I really want to thank her here.
Thank you soooooooo much, Torri! You made my day!!! *HUG* That was really nice of you since we have only corresponded once! You are so sweet. =)
Talk to you later guys.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Lovely Day
Today is a truly beautiful day. This morning while I was switching trains I notice a very familiar shape. It was Ronny waiting for me. He had missed the train to my house but knowing my routine thought he would catch up with me at Canal St. He took me to work and even met up with me for lunch today! He's the best.

Another co-worker of mine came out to lunch with us and when he left to go back to his job she was like "He's so nice and so respectful!" lol That's my man.
Last night was ok. Didn't do too much. I had the worse tension headache so Ronny gave me a massage (after I gave him one, his lower back is messed up) and it totally took my headache away. But not before it made me yelp and cry out loud a bit.

I was extremely tense and had a lot of pain. I'm just glad Ronny takes such good care of me!
We watched Duplex with my mom which she loved. That movie is so funny!!!! If you havent seen it, rent it. I think it was totally underrated. Speaking of movies, I'm so dying to see Spiderman 2!!!! I cant wait. Maybe this weekend. Both Ronny and I have off tomorrow so I think we might go down to the broadwalk in Coney Island. He has been dying to go there and I hear they fixed it up. It used to be quite slumy. They have an amusement park and aquarium. If we go, I'll take pics. I'm looking forward to a de-stress day. I was hoping to get away for the weekend but sadly we have nowhere to go. Ah well. We'll still have a good time. With such amazing weather we'll have a few nice service days and also some rollerblading in there.
We'll that's it for now. Catch you guys later.
PS: More than likely I will be choosing the last hairstyle on the mini poll from last week. Seems to be the most popular. I'll do a curly version with maybe some baby's breath. That is the plan for now. Thanks for your votes!!! =D