Wednesday, June 30, 2004
3rd grade
Well, I'm sure you are all wondering what happened. (Thanks sooo much for the comments btw). On Monday after I wrote that post I left for home. Ronny met me (when I called him distraught he literally dropped everything and ran to my job and waited an hour for me to come out). We went to eat and talk and then went home. I didn't talk much to my mom. I didn't feel like it at the moment. Wanted to think some more and of course pray and I'm glad I did. Tuesday I stayed home from work and slept in a bit and then Ronny came over. He is staying with a friend in Brooklyn and its a long way by train. He got up at 5:30am to come and be with me first thing in the morning. He is truly amazing. My family and him all went out for breakfast which was ok. They had something to do so me and Ronny went back to my house, sat on the front steps and I poured my heart out to him. It felt so good. He is a great listener. We talked some more and then he said I should go upstairs and rest a while. He wanted to do some laundry. So about an hour later I hear the doorbell and go answer the door. I see a bunch of roses in my face when I open the door and then there is Ronny. It was a very sweet and thoughtful thing to do. Especially since they were my fave roses (the fire and ice kind). He went back out (my family wasnt home yet) and bought us lunch and then came back and we ate them on the stairs. I dont mean to bore you with details but this is what me more and more determined to do whatever I had to to be with him. He's amazing. He is ALWAYS there for me and loves me unconditionally. I told my mother that. No matter what kind of mood I am in, no matter how grouchy, no matter how fat I feel or sad, or mad, or bored, no matter WHAT he has always been there to love and support me. And to me that counts for a lot. Yes, he is imperfect and he has things to work on but we all do and I want to help him and support him the best I can, just the way he has done for me. I told him that before I love him as a mate and lover he is my best friend and apart of me. His eyes got misty and I have to say so did mine. I love him so very much.
So anyways, the day ended pretty good. My dad (who is the book study conductor) asked Ronny to say the opening prayer which made me very happy and afterwards we all went (including my sister and her 3 kids that are visiting) for ice cream. My little niece, Kaylin is 3 and totally in love with Ronny. When she sees us together she gets in between us and hugs our necks. And he loves her right back. I know things wont ever be perfect between Ronny and my family but they are all trying. I just know I need patience and strength from Jehovah and as long as I can be with Ronny I will be happy.
PS: Tonight Im heading back to the gym. Pray for
Monday, June 28, 2004
Im about 2 seconds away from eloping and that is no idle threat....I was totally planning on writing about how great my weekend was (even though a lot of it was stressful, I spent time with my family) but now after the phone conversation I just had with my mother....forget it. I'm tired of it, frankly. I understand that they don't approve of Ronny's circumstances (2 kids, ex-wife, other country) but I LOVE HIM and why cant they get past that??? They think he's the one stressing me out when it's totally them or to be more specific my mother. I love my mom to death and I would do anything for her but right now I feel like throwing up and my hands are shaking and I could do without talking/seeing her for a while. She needs to understand something. 1. Im an adult now. 2. Let me make my own decisions. I understand they are worried. Shoot, I would be worried too if it were my daughter but I would also really try to let go and be happy for her. Ronny treats me like gold. He's human, he as issues, we all do but he makes me really happy. I just want so badly for this whole thing to be over but I'm worried about regretting not having a wedding later. I was really looking forward to my wedding and having everyone that i love there but now Im not, Im just not even excited about it anymore. I want to married to And that its. I dont know what to do.
Friday, June 25, 2004
Ok, a just one more quiz before the weekend. =D Got this one from Shelbie's (Disney Princess) blog.
TGIF Humid
Happy Friday!!!
I'm feeling much better than I did the other day. Less stressed out and more optimistic. I wanna thank all of you guys who read this and give me support and comfort, you ladies are wonderful and I TRULY appreciate you all.

Tonight is going to be cool....I hope. I have a surprise for Ronny. A fellow co-worker informed me about a Swedish festival that is being held tonight at Battery Park in the city!! Isn't that cool?? I'm excited, I hope it doesn't thunderstorm like they are saying. It does look hazy outside but here is hoping for the best. If it doesn't work out we are still meeting up with some friends at this dance studio that has free open house every last Friday of the month to get our dance on.
So I wish all of you a wonderful weekend and I'll be seeing you on Monday! Ciao!!
P.S.=This weekend I'm going out to my sisters to do some wedding stuff. I'll give you an update on Monday. =)
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Im Fun!
Well, yesterday was my day off and I have to say it was a very nearly a HUGE waste of time!!!! Grrrr!!!

Everything I wanted to do was closed!!! First we found out the Swedish Immigration office was closed (I needed to get info on obtaining my VISA which takes 3 months to process and we have 4 and a half till the wedding!). Then found out the Bridal Plaza AND Tuxedo place were closed as well. I was soo stressed. I felt like I had taken off the whole day for nothing.

It was very frustrating. BUT finally we went to Macy's in the city and I was able to immediately pick out the color I want for the bridesmaids dresses. Happy day! I'm letting the girls pick whatever style they want just the same color. And its soooo pretty. Its called Maize and you can see it
here. However the picture does it no justice. Its shiny and warm, would look good on anyone. Im really glad I found that. Now I have to decide on what flowers the girls should hold. Any ideas? I want something that will stand out a bit more since its a soft color. Let me know what you guys think.
Well, Im glad yesterday is over. It was just tremendously stressful all the way around for many things. I realized that I'm really going to have to not stress. I have so much running through my mind. Not only wedding stuff but also Im moving to another country! That's always on my mind. I have SO much to do.

I'm going to work really hard on not letting myself get overwhelmed cause then I could easily lose my joy and it is very fun..sometimes. lol
On a happier note my friend Nicole is graduating from high school today and I'm going.
Congrats Nicki!!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Tuesday weirdness
Have you ever felt caught in between emotions? Tuesday's seem to have that effect on me. It's weird cause I get happy cause it's no longer Monday and we have the bookstudy tonight but then I start to feel strange cause we aren't even close to the end of the week. I think Tuesday's are like the Black Hole of the week. But that's just my opinion.
This morning I watched a little girl of about 6 or 7 having an "arguement" with her mom. Actually she was crying and her mom was just yelling at her. I don't know why, maybe she deserved the discipline but looking at her face with the big, soft brown eyes and her little mouth turned down and tears rolling down her face I wondered how any mom could not be moved by that. I don't even have a child and I was! Evidently she didn't want to tie her shoes but her mother was making her. I really felt for her. My heart hurt to see this cute little girl cry.Now, this brings into question recent feelings I have been having. I'm about to bare my soul here so please, bear with me: For like the last year (actually since I met Ronny) my maternal instincts have been kicking in BIG time. Now, please understand, I am a girl who swore to never have kids and I felt VERY strongly about it. I still do in many ways. I went through serious depression and was even suicidal at one time. For me childhood was a joy but my teenage years were torture. So I was convinced never to have a child in this system. My grandmother warned me, she told me when I was about 24 the feelings would kick in. Of course I denied that. But it seems like she was right all along. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean Im actually going to have them in this system of things but since being with Ronny I realized I would definitely love to have a child. I would love to have RONNY's child. I think about it all the time now. What it would look like (probably big cheeks and curly hair =) and hopefully would have only our good qualities. lol But even when I see a baby, my arms start to itch to hold it. And it seems like everyone is pregnant now a days. So I know I would definitely love to have a child but I think I'm going to still try and wait. If it happens of course I will be happy but in the meantime I think I'll enjoy it vicariously through Mich's pregnancy.
BTW, Im off tomorrow so see you guys Wednesday!
Monday, June 21, 2004
Ok, just to get it off my chest....a recap of the day:
1. Wake up to find that I've gained the 3 lbs I lost AND 2 extra.
2. Got into a fight with my mom over wedding stuff that was TOTALLY ridiculous and she like "quits" on me. Insane. And because of the fight didn't have time to pack my gym clothes (going to stay fat for one more day extra!!) or cook my breakfast.
3. Catch the train with Ronny and I'm running 10 min late (in NY that makes a world of difference) and while we are on the train for some unknown reason they kick us off at a station that is ALREADY packed with people and I have to let 2 trains go by before I could find one that would fit us on it. So I came to work a half hour late.
Ok, enough of that. My weekend was good! Friday night me and Ronny saw The Day After Tomorrow. I thought it was really good. More than I expected. Than on Saturday, we had that Hawaiian themed going away party for a Bethelite in my hall. That was CRAZY! It was cool cause everyone stuck to the theme. Have never seen so many Hawaiian shirts in all my life! There was tons of food and after we ate my dad had bought his karaoke machine and we all got a turn. Ronny even did a version of New York, New York by Frank Sinatra and all the sisters went crazy. It was sooo fun! Sunday was a great meeting and then we went over to a friends to hang out.
Wedding Update: This weekend I need to head out to my sisters for wedding plans. We need to check out some B&B's and also I want to meet the sister that might do my hair and makeup. I have a few ideas of how I want my hair to look for the wedding. Which one do you guys like more?: Choose from the poll to the right.
I know they are all similar and have flowers but I like that look. What do you think?
Friday, June 18, 2004
Monty Python
Ok, well here is another quiz I did. hehe

French Guard
I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!
What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Now for the real post:
Project Slim: My muscles finally seem to be back in order. Still a tad sore but not in pain. I was last night at the meeting though. On top of my legs hurting even when I sat I suddenly got pink eye and couldnt see out of it! I was just totally miserable!! LOL But now Im a little better. Got some drops for it. Just looks gross.
I dont have much planned for the weekend. We are probably going to see The Terminal tonight. Looks weird but cool and I love Tom Hanks. Afterwards, probably dinner. Tomorrow we are having a Hawaiian themed going away party for a friend who is getting married and moving to Virginia. Im excited about that. Gotta go pick out two Hawaiian shirts for me and Ronny.
Man Im sorry if my blog has become boring. I've been totally brain dead lately. I feel really good physically (beyond the immense pain the last two days) but my brain is shot. I think its the lack of carbs. LOL Oh my I almost wrote CRABS. LOL
Well, I'll see you guys next Monday!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
To the 10th power
I got this list from Bev at
Random Access Thoughts. This is how they came to me so don't know if they are in any particular order.
10 Things I Love..
1. Jehovah and his people
2. Ronny
3. My parents and family
4. Books
5. Classical Music
6. Dancing
7. Musuems
8. Traveling
9. Photography
10. Writing
10 Things I am Violently Opposed To..
1. Satan
2. Racism
3. Egotism
4. Selfishness
5. The abuse of children
6. Tourists in NY (sorry!)
7. Subway riders
8. sometimes my hair
9. ditzy girls
10. sometimes my own stomach
10 Things I Need
1. Ronny
2. Privacy
3. Books
4. Music
5. The ability to communicate
6. My meetings
7. My friends
8. Laughter
9. Serenity
10. Inspiration
10 Things I want To Do Before Im 30
1. Pioneer
2. Learn Swedish and Spanish fluently
3. Travel to Japan
4. Buy a puppy
5. Start my own photography/massage/writing business
6. Go snowboarding
7. Wear a bikini ;)
8. Lose 50 lbs (guess 8 should come before 7)
9. Go back to Paris
10. Go to Ireland
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Feel the Burn
Project Slim: Wow, Do I feel the burn!!! Yep, went working out again last night. Ronny met up with me after work and we walked to the gym together. It's really nice to be able to do something like that together. I know Jackie and Matt have been working out together as well. It's fun and good for us at the same time. Anyways, when I got there an instructor put me on a bike for 15 min and then after that I did weights for my legs, arms, back and abs for 45 min.

I worked up quite a sweat. Then the aerobics class for a half hour. My sweetie went with me and kept up pretty good. I was still massively sore from Monday so I couldn't do much more but it was all good. We walked home too which is no short distance. I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I felt like everytime I turned over my muscles in my thighs where ripping apart. The thing is its not even my lower thigh but the very upper most part. I tried to stretch it out but its a hard muscle to stretch. But good thing is today I can feel my body tighening all over. I love that feeling and I'm starting to see little differences here and there.

I just have to keep it up!
This morning on the train I don't know why but I starting thinking about my "first love". Sometimes I do that out of nowhere. I was about 10 when I first "fell in love." I honestly don't think it was puppy love, nor would I say I was really "in love." But I definitely loved him. He was my best friend and although there were rare occasions where I would fantasize about marrying him it was mostly just the joy of being around him and spending time with him as friends. Time tends to perfect things and I know it has with this but sometimes I still feel wistful for those feelings. Not for him. I have someone I love dearly and with all my heart but for those pure, innocent feelings. Its nice when I get a glimpse of them here and there. But they are feelings that come with childhood mainly. Before we are thrust into reality with our first taste of adulthood. I wonder if we will ever go back to that in the new world? Thanks for eading my ramblings.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Groove Is In The HEart
Don't have much to report today other than the fact that my thighs are completely torn apart. I can't believe that I'm more sore today than I was yesterday!! But I keep hearing from people that it always takes them two days before they really feel it so at least I know I'm not abnormal. I'm going to the gym again tonight (Ronny is supposed to meet up with me) but I'm going to stick to the abs and weights for my arms. I don't think I can do much with my legs tonight. But I guess it's all good cause "No Pain, No Gain."
I took another test on
What's Your Theme Song?
Groove Is In The Heart
Whether picking up white go-go boots at a second-hand store or rounding up the troops for dinner at the chicest sushi joint, you've got psychedelic diva written all over you. People like you make it cool to be groovy again, which is why "Groove is in the Heart" is your theme song. The bubblegum-meets-techno melody of your signature song gets you to jog that extra mile, or take on extra work with a jive-y cock of your head. Deee-Lite's dancehall fave never gets old playing in your head after each successful interview and promising date. Yes indeed, this is the soundtrack to those dee-lovely days and delicious nights when you've got an audience, and your phone number keeps coming up in conversation. But you'll only share your number with that special someone who can figure out "the depth of your hula groove," dig?
I guess this is me. I love that song! hehe Well, anyways, folks I'm off for now. Chat later.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Celebrity Double
I took this test at
Who Is your Movie Star Double?
Drew Barrymore
A free spirit like you needs to be played by someone who knows what it's like to carve out her own niche. That's why Drew Barrymore would be great for the part. Whether she's starring in unique films like Riding in Cars With Boys and Ever After, or heading out into town with daring dates, Drew refuses to conform to Hollywood's mold for leading ladies. Like Drew, you have a unique outlook and passion that shines through everything you do. And if you're truly like Drew, you're not afraid to show everyone who you are.
Back in high school, were you the one listening to bands that others hadn't discovered yet, or branching out with political or fashion statements of your own? How about raising quirky questions that stumped your teachers? But now that you've grown up some, people are starting to value your individuality and your creative way of looking at the world. Or at least, they will soon. So who better to play you in the role of your life than Drew? Doesn't it seem she was made for the part?
Feel the burn..
Project Slim:Last night I did go to the gym with my mom and 2 sisters from my hall. It was great! Its run by a school and has all the equipment needed even if it IS a little ghetto. They even have an aerobics class that lasts for like 2 hours! I stayed for one. It was REALLY intense. I mean regardless of the fact that I am chubby, I have worked out quite a bit before and I don't think by any means am I initmidated when it comes to working out but trust me, this class was intense. I was very proud of myself because considering I havent done a class like that in a while I really kept up pretty good!!

I only flagged out like twice and the tempo was the same if not more during the whole hour. The instructor was like a Nazi shouting orders but it worked!

Im going again tomorrow night with Ronny. I can't wait. And I can already see a difference in my body and I feel really good. I just have to keep it going.
Ronny met me this morning to take me to work which was nice. Then today at lunch, as I was walking back to my building to go back to work (I was 15 min early heading back) I see this running figure coming towards me. It was Ronny. He had tried to meet me at 11:00 (my usual lunch time) but he got there late. We sat for 10 min and then I had to go inside but it was a huge pick-me-up!!
Thats about it for now. Looking forward to the bookstudy tonight. Not much wedding news either. Im going to take off on Monday (as is Ronny) and we are going to the Swedish consulate to apply for my visa. Let you all know what happens later.
Monday, June 14, 2004
Monday blahs
Well, once again it's Monday. The weather is sooo weird today! I heard there might be an electrical storm feels like it. The air feels very strange and the sky is like a weird pale grey. Oh well. I leave work at 4, as long as it starts raining after I get home!
This weekend was really fun! On Friday Ronny met up with me at my job. He was dressed up in a shirt and tie and I was wondering what was going on. He was feeling bad though cause what he had planned didn't work out. We had planned for him to meet me at work but we confused the meeting place. I thought he said Madison Avenue exit and he thought I meant the 5th Avenue exit. Ugh. So at about a half hour after the orginal meeting time I went around the corner and he was there. He handed me this postcard with a black and white pic of a guy working (hehe He's my hard working man) and on the back he had written a message and taped two tickets to see The Stepford Wives!

I was really excited. He was still a little bummed though cause he had planned to rent a limo but it didnt work out. Poor baby. lol He loves to surprise me. We had fun anyways. Went to the movie (was really funny!), went out to eat and then went to Barnes and Noble where I got a wedding planner. Im soooo glad I did!!! It has worksheets and all kinds of questions to ask potential florists and stuff. I would never think of those things! But anyways, the night was nice. The next day we went to the Bronx Zoo with Jackie and Matt and 2 other friends. It was such a great day. The weather was totally perfect and we just had a blast. Went out to eat afterwards. Jackie also informed me that there are only 21 weeks till my wedding!!

It sounds so close in comparison to 144 days!!!! Wow, I have so much to do!
Sunday was good. Great meeting and after we kinda just stayed at home and chilled. We were both really tired from the 2 days before so it was nice to just relax at home.
Project Slim: Well all in all Ive lost 3 lbs since last Wed which isnt bad. I did cheat this weekend.

But Im back on it today. Hope I didnt do too much damage. Im supposed to go to the gym with some sisters from my cong tonight but if the weather is bad Im staying indoors.
I went to go try on a bathing suit during my lunch break. I dont know if its because Im with Ronny and he makes me feel beautiful or if it was because I tried on a different style from what Im used to but I didnt feel like completely sick from trying it on. Normally I feel sooooo bad. I hate looking at myself in a bathing suit but today wasnt too bad. I tried on a halter top which is SO much more flattering for me. I can definitely see where I need work but I dont hate on myself as much as I used to. That feels really good.
Friday, June 11, 2004
Forrest Gump
2 lbs!
Project Slim:First and foremost I have to write this: I lost 2 lbs in 2 days!!!!! hehe So the dizziness and crappy feelings were well worth it and I really don't feel so bad today. It's like being addicted to something and going through withdrawal. Today is the first day I don't even crave carbs!!! I feel pretty good. I think once Im past the first two weeks I'll be doing good. But Im really happy about the immediate results!
Yesterday ended a little better once I left work. When I got to the location where Ronny was working I couldn't get into the building! I was so upset so as I called Stephan to make sure of the address some psycho ran up to me and kissed me. LOL It was Ronny.

I was wearing the T-shirt from his cleaning company in Sweden. Its bright red with a little black box in the back and the company name. He spotted it and ran to me. He had gone to my job to pick me up but I went out through a different entrance! Its so cool that we met up though. We finished cleaning this apartment that the owner paid 1.3 million for. Dag! I didn't think it was worth that much. I couldn't see what was so great about it. It had nice big windows and cathedral ceilings but 1.3 million?!? Craziness. One thing that totally freaked me out was when Ronny got on the ledge to do the outside of the windows. We were on the 3rd floor!!!

Thank goodness the ledges were so wide!! I was still nervous though. Afterward we were EXHAUSTED (we finished at 9) and just went home to eat something and then go home to bed. Poor thing was totally gone. I'm so worried about him. He is pushing himself entirely too far and I don't know how to get him to slow down. I tell him Im worried but I don't know why he is doing so much. I mean we don't need the money THAT bad. Not at the expense of his health!! *sigh*
Tonight I dont know where we are going but he told me to wear a skirt so it might be somewhere nice. I just look forward to being with him. The weeks are always hard. I cant wait for the weekends!
Tomorrow is the Zoo.....SO EXCITED!!! Its going to be a gorgeous day! 73 degrees and sunny. Woohoo. Cant wait to hang out with you and Matt tomorrow, Jackie. Mich have fun at the Met!!!
Catch you guys on Monday!
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Can this day get any worse???? I just found out the number I gave to Ronny to call me at is totally wrong!!! I was supposed to meet him tonight to help him with a cleaning job and he was supposed to call me at another girls number here at work to tell me where it is at. She was supposed to transfer him to me since I dont know the number I am at. Thank goodness I got a hold of Stephan (bro he works with) and he told me the address. This is like one of those Everything-and-Anything-Goes-Wrong days. I feel so bad! Well, Im going to try and meet him out there anyways.
Lunch was one massive race to the temp agency to pick up my check and cash it and then run to grab a salad and run back. Thursday's are rough for me. Ok, enough complaining. I just needed to vent.
Blogger down.
Well, now that Blogger is finally working I can post! Geez, just one of those days, ya know?
Anyways, last night was kinda good and bad. I had the worst headache possible and I can't tell if it was from the heat or craving carbs. Maybe both. Well, it didn't go away too easy. Ronny called at about 9:00pm and told me he also had a really bad headache. He wanted me to meet up with him but it was getting late and I felt really bad with my head hurting. So like at about 10pm I get a call from him and he says "Come meet me downstairs, I have something for your headache." So he comes up to my house and hands me these beautiful lillies. You know the ones that have the purple inside? It was so sweet of him especially considering he was feeling really sick last night. He was TOTALLY overheated. Like I when I went to hug him he was soaked and I went to stroke his hair back and he says "Ouch." That is bad!!! I was really worried about him, he didn't look good but when I talked to him this morning he sounded better which is good. My poor baby.

I really appreciated him thinking of me even went he felt bad though. He's so great. The flowers were so awesome. There were two and a bunch of buds and over night the buds bloomed so when I woke up there they were on my dresser. They made my room smell so good all night!
This morning wasnt so good. I was supposed to meet Ronny on a certain train platform at 8:00. I waited for MY train for a half hour so I got at the spot we were supposed to meet at 8:30!!!! Of course he wasnt there. I was so miserable. I felt so bad and now I have no way of contacting him. I was supposed to help him with a cleaning job today. ugh.

I hope to hear from him soon!
Project Slim: So far the diet is ok. Mich was right, I am hungry often. I think I just have to get used to being off carbs. I had a huge addiction to them but Im determined to stick with it! Another salad for lunch today.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Jag ar Svenska
Day One of Project Slim: So far it's not too bad, considering the fact I've tried it on only two meals today. It's definitely weird not eating any bread AND fruit but I know a lot of people who have been on the South Beach Diet and it seems to work for them so I'm definitely excited about it. I'll give more details as they come. It'll probably be a few days before I start to see any results. Tonight Im going to try and work out a bit, maybe go on the treadmill and lift some weights.
Yesterday I went to Borders and finally got the kit to learn Swedish!!! It came with a textbook and two audio CD's that I'm supposed to listen to while I read along in the book. I started it on the way home yesterday and it's pretty cool. I have already retained some of the words. First off they start me on vowels. There are 9 vowels in Swedish. It's weird trying to get myself to make some of the sounds. But Ronny is helping me too. He listened to the CD and said it was good, just some sound a little Americanized but if I follow it, I'll be fine. It's going to be so nice when I get to some point of fluency. But till then study, study, study!!!
Last night's bookstudy was awesome, wasn't it??? I really love this book. It's just so cool how much we can learn about Jehovah's personality in it. I love that illustration with the sheperd and the little sheep. If you guys have any comments on it, please let me know!
After the bookstudy Ronny and I went out for Chinese food. It was really nice. He looks so good lately (well he always looked good). Lately he is losing a lot of weight and I see more and more women look at him which frankly is a little scary for me. UGH, I need to lose this weight!!
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Poop in my coffee...
You are not going to believe what happened to me this morning!!!
First of all Ronny picked me up at the train station to take me to work. It was SO sweet of him. Especially since he bought us breakfast to eat together on the train. So anyways, he got me coffee and as I was taking a sip I noticed it tasted a little odd. Now don't get grossed out but this is what happened. I told him "I don't know, it takes a little weird." and he's like "Well, what does it taste like?" as Im comtemplating this a pigeon that was on a rafter above me totally pees into my cup!!!!! I KNOW he didn't pee in it before I took a sip because I had just taken it out of the bag right before I sipped it but it was sooo funny cause what are the odds of that happening at that exact moment!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing it was too weird. I got a little on my shoe which was gross as well but oh well.
We had an awesome train ride. It was sooo nice to have him next to me with his arm around me. I feel great today. Its a nice start.
This was also cool today: I was running late to work and when I got into my building the line for security was ridiculous AND the slowest security guard was working behind the counter. I like to call him "Cold Molasses". LOL Anyways, the security guard I work with all the time (his name is Jose) just happened to walk by and he saw my frustration. So he tells me to walk around to the other side of the building and he would tell the security guard there to make out my pass so it will be there by the time I get there! I felt like a celebrity. Its good to have connections.
So that is about it for now. Tomorrow I start my South Beach Diet finally! My mom is going food shopping today and I gave her a list of the stuff I need. I'm really excited about it! I'm going to work so hard to get to where I wanna be. I'll keep you guys posted.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Got the Invites
Thanks for all the support, guys! It really helps. = ) BTW, I ended up hanging out with my friend, Jennifer on Friday night and we went over to a Bethelite friend of mine's, Aaron, to watch Tommy Boy. It was cool cause I hadn't seen him in AGES and I haven't been to Bethel for a while but this is the stinky part: I call Stephen (bro that Ronny works with) at about 10pm, right before we are about to head home and he tells me he dropped Ronny off at home two hours ago! They ended up not working all night!!! UGH!!!! I felt so bad. I DID have fun but I wish Ronny could have been there with me. Now for the cool part: When we were walking out of the subway station for home, Jennifer says "There he is!" and I see Ronny on his roller blading coming towards me...FAST. He reaches me, grabs me up and hugs me still moving on his blades!!!! LOL. It was cool. It was soooo good to see him. We hugged for a long time. *blush* So it worked out after all. We didn't get to do anything that night but we did get to see each other. Evidently he went to a friends house near where he is staying and hung out with them. Then figuring I would come home at about 11, rollerbladed around the station till I got there! He is SOOOO sweet!!! =D
Hmmm, what else is new? Oh this is funny. This morning on the train I see this pretty redhead sitting in front of me. The train was packed so I was standing in front of her holding on to the pole. Well, she looked very delicate and dressed professionally. Very upscale looking. She gave me this "look" as I was standing in front of her and I thought "oh whatever". It wouldnt be the first time some snobby girl gave me a dirty look for not wearing Manolo's to work. Anyways, all of a sudden she starts to nod her head and jerk her neck around. I thought she was having a seizure until I realized she had earbuds (headphones) on. LOL. Go girl! She was totally jamming to whatever she was listening too. Good way to start the morning! I guess I shouldnt judge by appearance, huh?
Wedding Update:We picked out the invitations!!! They are really nice. I thought it was going to take forever to pick out something we both liked but we went through one invitation book and then in the second one we found it and we both knew it was the one. Its lovely. Goes totally with the wedding colors which are Champagne Gold and Ivory btw. =) So Im so happy about that! It feels like we have really accomplished something. We should be getting them in about 2 weeks. We are going to order them this weekend. I've done some work on my guest list addresses and got the majority of those as well. Next thing: Ronny's tux!
Friday, June 04, 2004
Today is Friday but TGIF I feel not. Its a completely gorgeous day outside. Blue skies, nice cool breeze. Unfortunately I wont have the opportunity of spending it with the one I love most. Ronny has to work late again today. He's been working long days except for meeting nights so this week I didn't get to see him too often. It breaks my heart to see him so tired. At the meeting last night he had all this paint in his hair from his job. Thank goodness he's tall and I could only see it when he was sitting and I was standing. He even had paint on his contacts! He does home improvement with a brother in my cong and they have what I like to call "The Never Ending Project". They have been painting the ceiling for the last few days in this one house in Westchester. So basically they start at like 6:30 or 7 and work till 12:30am. Its nuts. I know at the moment we really need the money and Ronny isn't missing meetings regardless of how tired he is but it still physically hurts me to see him like that. Well, tomorrow will be better. Its going to rain but we are going out in service anyway and then afterward will go look at some invitations and hopefully pick out the ones we want. We WERE going to go rollerblading which he's been itching to do (and now I am too) but the weather will be bad. Maybe Sunday.
I planned a trip to the Bronx Zoo next Saturday. So far a lot of people are going! Its going to be so fun. I'll try and post some pics afterward.
Guess that is it for now. Still trying to figure out what Im doing today after work. Might be a good time to go to a movie with some girlfriends I havent hung out with in a while. I saw Shrek 2 already (awesome!) but I'll go see it again since I know from laughing so hard the first time I missed a lot of other things. We'll see.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Today is better...
Wow, FINALLY! I got the new blog going. The other layout was ok but a little too messy for me. I need tables! LOL I really like this one, even if it is pink. I can't believe a former tomboy has such a fem blog!!! But I really do like it. = ) I noticed that since I've gotten older I have become more and more feminine, especially since I've met Ronny. It's cool though. I guess the majority of my life I thought being feminine was to play up to what society feels a woman should be. And frankly, it made me feel a bit vunerable. But deep down inside I WAS feminine. I just hid it really well. I have always been a romantic/idealist. Im an ENFJ if that means anything to you. So I grew up reading fairy tales and playing with dolls but as I got a little older and frankly, gained weight I became afraid to show that side of myself. I guess I just built up a tough exterior as a defense. Truth be told, I DID hate flowers on my things and going shopping (still not crazy about shopping), I even refused to go into Victoria Secrets till I was at least 21. Now, Im becoming more and more comfortable with being a woman. Its kinda nice. =) I think to a great degree I can thank Ronny. He has made me very comfortable with who I am. He always makes me feel beautiful. I still feel self conscious of course, I am still a woman but when Im with him I know that to him I AM the most beautiful woman in the world and thats all that matters to me. =)
Wedding Update: Not too much going on in that department. For some unknown reason I'm totally procrastinating in getting things done which is SO out of character for me! I'm the type who likes to get things done and out of the way but really this whole wedding thing IS overwhelming! I've never really been the girl to plan out my wedding. It's like where do I begin??? Well a few things are done. The reception hall is booked and my sister ordered little things like the table numbers and place cards which she got a great deal on. Those things can be SO expensive!!! This weekend we are going to look at invitations which can also be steep but I think it will be fun. I'm trying to not let myself get too stressed. My mom and sister are doing SO much. Good thing I'm not picky, I can just delegate a lot of stuff to them.
That's all for now...later!
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Odd Reaction...
Everytime I go into a book store I have one of two reactions:
It either fills me with this deep desire to be creative once again with my reading and writing, thus bringing on feelings of guilt or I feel like I'm not quite up to speed with the rest of the world. Neither one is necessarily bad but I do think its a quite effective method of distraction that Satan uses. I was thinking about that Scripture that says "to the making of many books there is no end." Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to read but its sooo true! I was wandering through Borders, looking for a wedding planner (the ones they had were sooo crappy!!) and I found myself feeling wistful for the days when I used to write a lot. I made the big mistake of walking into the journal area. It always makes me hungry to write again. Not just on here, on a flat screen but in an actual book. I hope Im not alone in feeling that way. Otherwise, I might feel a tad silly in revealing my craziness. =)